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目的 甘蔗是我国生产食糖的主要原料,广泛种植于我国南方地区,自然灾害对甘蔗生产造成严重影响。甘蔗灾害监测是精准糖业的重要研究内容。常规的地面调查方法无法满足及时、快速获取甘蔗灾情信息的现实需求,遥感技术具有客观、动态及大面积同步观测等优势,是开展甘蔗灾害监测的有力技术手段,但国内对甘蔗灾害监测还缺乏较为系统的归纳总结。文章通过对甘蔗气象灾害、生物灾害及环境灾害的监测等相关研究进行系统论述,探讨开展甘蔗多种灾害遥感监测的未来可能研究方向。方法 文章采用文献综述法,系统分析了国内外有关甘蔗气象灾害、生物灾害及环境污染灾害监测的研究现状及存在问题,针对每种灾害特点结合当前遥感技术发展趋势指出了甘蔗灾害监测未来研究方向。结果 现有甘蔗灾害监测研究主要集中在旱灾、低温冻害及病虫害监测,甘蔗旱灾、低温冻害及病虫害的成灾机理仍十分薄弱,甘蔗灾害遥感监测机理模型研究不足,利用遥感技术开展甘蔗重金属污染监测、甘蔗盐胁迫监测也尚未展开。结论 未来需要加强气象观测、地面观测、作物生长模型及遥感信息等多源数据耦合,发展“星、云、机、站”的灾害立体防控体系,建立针对各种灾害的遥感监测预警机理模型,提高甘蔗防灾减灾的信息化监测与应对能力,促进甘蔗生产向智能化、智慧化的高端方向发展。
关键词:  气象灾害  遥感监测  成灾机理  甘蔗  逆境胁迫
Research progress and prospect on the monitoring of sugarcane disaster
Huang Qiuyan1,3,4,Qin Zhihao2,Qin Zihong4,Hu Baoqing1,3
1.Beibu Gulf Environmental Evolution and Resources Utilization Laboratory at the Provincial Ministry of Education Key Laboratory,Guangxi Teachers Education University,Nanning 530001,China;2.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;3.Guangxi Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Intelligent Simulation Guangxi Teachers Education University,Nanning 530001,China;4.School of geography and planning,Guangxi Teachers Education University,Nanning 530001,China
Purpose Sugarcane,a widely planted cash crop in South China,is the main raw material for Chinese sugar manufacture industry. The more and more intensive and frequent occurrence of natural disasters such as drought and frozen has been believed to be the key factors affecting the stable harvest of sugarcane cropping in the sugarcane-concentrated regions in South China. Therefore,sugarcane disaster monitoring has become an important research topic in recent years in China to ensure the sustainable development of sugarcane cropping. Conventional ground methods for the monitoring cannot meet the practical needs of timely and rapidly acquisition on the useful information on sugarcane disaster dynamics in a regional scale. Remote sensing with advantage of synchronous observation over the entire region has become a powerful tool for sugarcane disaster monitoring. In this paper we provided a thorough review on the progress on sugarcane disaster monitoring in China in order to understand the development trends in the studies of sugarcane disaster monitoring.Method Sugarcane cropping in South China mainly encounters the challenges from the following 4 natural disasters:drought,cold temperature,biological stress (weed and pest/fungi attack) and environmental pollution. Thus we discussed the recent progress in sugarcane disaster monitoring from the above four aspects. Focus of the review was given on the approaches for the monitoring.Result The monitoring methods for meteorological disasters,biological disasters and environmental pollution disaster of sugarcane were systematically analyzed. Future efforts were proposed on the directions of sugarcane disaster monitoring. Remote sensing would be extensively applied in sugarcane disaster monitoring. Since drought shapes the most extensive impact on sugarcane cropping in China,the monitoring of sugarcane drought has become the most important area of sugarcane disaster monitoring. Though studies on sugarcane disaster monitoring have made great advance in recent decades,the mechanism leading to the happen of sugarcane drought still lacks sufficient and deep examination. Moreover,studies on the low temperature freeze injuries and pest/fungi monitoring is still very weak in comparison with that on cropping drought. The available approaches for sugarcane disaster monitoring on the basis of remote sensing is not so many. Furthermore,disasters such as heavy metal pollution and salt stress still lack applicable approaches with inputs mainly from remote sensing. Therefore,the future development of sugarcane disaster monitoring would be concentrated on the following aspects. Integration of multi-sources remote sensing data with meteorological observation and ground investigation should be highly emphasized for sugarcane disaster monitoring. Combination of crop growth model with remote sensing information extraction represents another trend in sugarcane disaster monitoring in China. With remote sensing,focus should be given to the three-dimensional prevention of sugarcane disasters. Finally the advance from disaster monitoring to forecasting is very important for early warning on the change trend of sugarcane disasters in the regional scale. Therefore,a comprehensive approach for control system is urgently required to be strengthened.Conclusion It can be concluded that the paper provides a thorough review on sugarcane disaster monitoring in China,which is very necessary to improve the information acquirement for disaster mitigation,so that stable harvest of sugarcane cropping can be ensured for sugar industry. The review would also be helpful to promote the development of sugarcane cropping towards intelligent direction.
Key words:  Meteorological disasters  remote sensing monitoring  disaster mechanism  sugarcane  environmental stress