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目的 耕地是人类在长期农业生产活动下形成的一种重要资源,是人们赖以生存的基础和保障。目前,我国耕地资源总量不断减少,利用程度不高,集约化利用面临着严峻挑战。掌握耕地的种植强度及其分布特征,对于提高区域耕地资源的利用效率和优化农作物种植结构十分重要,同时也有利于缓解日益严峻的粮食安全问题。方法 文章以江汉平原为研究区,利用2000—2017年MODIS植被指数产品数据MOD13Q1,通过定义双季种植强度、平均种植强度和总体种植强度等3个指标,分析了近20年间江汉平原耕地种植强度的分布特征,并运用SOM自组织神经网络分析法对3个指标进行非监督聚类分析,得到了江汉平原耕地种植强度的分区情况。结果 江汉平原绝大部分地区具备良好的农业生产条件,农业活动强度高。传统的双季农作物种植分布区的耕地种植强度较高,传统的单季农作物种植分布区的耕地种植强度较低,种植频率与种植强度之间存在显著的相关关系。结论 该文得到的耕地种植强度数据集,可以实现对耕地集约利用状况进行及时、精确的监测和评价,对于指导制定农业生产政策、保障国家粮食安全具有重要意义。
关键词:  时间序列  MODIS产品数据  种植强度  江汉平原
Spatial patterns of cropping intensity on the Jianghan plain over recent 20 years
Chen Ruiqing1,2,Tao Jianbin1,Xu Meng1
1.Key Laboratory for Geographical Process Analysis & Simulation of Hubei Province/College of Urban and Environmental Sciences,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China;2.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing,Ministry of Agriculture,Beijing 100081,China
Purpose Cultivated land is an important resource formed under the long-term agricultural production activities of mankind,and it is the basis and guarantee for our survival. At present,the total amount of arable land resources in China is continuously decreasing and the degree of utilization is not high. The intensive use of arable land resources faces severe challenges.Therefore,grasping the planting intensity and distribution characteristics of cultivated land resources is very important for improving the utilization efficiency of cultivated land resources in the region and optimizing the planting structure of crops,and it is also conducive to solve increasingly serious food security problems. Therefore,grasping the planting intensity and distribution characteristics of cultivated land resources is very important for improving the utilization efficiency of cultivated land resources in the region and optimizing the planting structure of crops,and it is also conducive to solve increasingly serious food security problems.Method This paper takes Jianghan Plain as the research area,uses NDVI data of vegetation index in MOD13Q1 product from 2000 to 2017,adopts S-G filtering method to fit and reconstruct the time series NDVI data,and then,through the definition of the double-season cropping intensity,average cropping intensity and total cropping intensity,the distribution characteristics of cropping intensity of cultivated land in the Jianghan Plain were analyzed over the past 20 years,and the SOM self-organizing neural network analysis was used to analyze the three indicators.Result Most areas in the Jianghan Plain have good agricultural production conditions and high intensity of agricultural activities. The traditional double-season crop planting distribution area has higher cropping intensity,and the traditional single-season crop planting distribution area has lower cropping intensity,and there is a significant correlation between cropping frequency and cropping intensity.Conclusion The data set of cultivated land planting intensity obtained by this method can realize timely and accurate monitoring and evaluation of the intensive use of cultivated land,which is of great significance for guiding the formulation of agricultural production policies and ensuring national food security.
Key words:  time series  MODIS product data set  cropping intensity  Jianghan plain