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目的 草地生态系统是我国最大的陆地生态系统,对维护国家生态安全和畜牧业发展有重要作用。但我国草地类型多样、地理背景复杂、覆盖度低等特点制约了在大尺度上草地的高精度监测。卫星遥感技术的应用极大地提高了我国草地监测能力,在草地碳循环、生产力、生物量等方面得到了广泛应用。方法 文章在回顾国内外草地碳循环遥感的最新进展基础上,从草地遥感观测手段、碳循环及其关键参数(初级生产力、生物量、叶面积指数、光合有效辐射分量、光能利用率和物候)反演等方面进行了总结,阐述了各种遥感影像在草地碳循环监测中的价值,对比和分析了草地关键参数遥感监测方法优缺点及应用前景。结果 遥感技术的应用促进了草地碳循环监测能力的提升,结合遥感技术开展草地生态研究也是未来发展趋势。结论 随着遥感数据的不断丰富和遥感建模及反演理论的深入发展,遥感手段将为草地生态系统研究及应用发挥更为重要的作用。
关键词:  草地生态  遥感  碳循环
Research progress of grassland carbon cycle using remote sensing technology
Xin Xiaoping,Xu Dawei,He Xiaolei,Li Zhenwang,Ding Lei,Shen Beibei,Mao Pingping
National Hulunber Grassland Ecosystem Observation and Research Station,Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
Purpose Grassland ecosystem is the largest terrestrial ecosystem in China,it plays an important role in maintaining national ecological security and animal husbandry development. However,the diverse grassland types,complex geographical background,and low grassland coverage restrict the large-scale and high-precision monitoring of grassland in China. The application of satellite remote sensing technology has greatly improved the grassland monitoring capability in China,and has been widely used in grassland carbon cycle,productivity,biomass etc.Method In this paper,we reviewed the latest development in grassland ecological carbon cycle by remote sensing from the aspects of observation methods,carbon cycle and its key parameter inversion. The prospect of using different remote sensing images in grassland monitoring was analyzed;the characteristic and application prospect of grassland parameters remote sensing retrieving methods were compared and evaluated.Result The application of remote sensing technology improves the monitoring capability of grassland ecological carbon cycle. The combination of remote sensing technology and grassland ecology is also the development trend.Conclusion With the continuous enrichment of remote sensing data and the development of remote sensing theories and inversion techniques,remote sensing methods will play a more important role in the research and application of grassland ecosystems.
Key words:  grassland ecology  remote sensing  carbon cycle