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1.济南大学机械工程学院,山东 济南,250022;2.济南大学政法学院,山东 济南,250022
目的 随着我国农业机械化水平的不断提高,谷物收获机的应用也越来越广泛。充分分析谷物收获机割台发展现状有利于保证收割质量,减少收获时的损失,并适应国际上谷物收获机的发展趋势。方法 通过查阅国内外文献以及报道,综述了谷物收获机割台主要部件拨禾轮、切割装置、割台螺旋推运器的原理和特点,主要说明了谷物收获机各部分高度和速度对于收割的影响,并进行分析,并介绍了一些国内对于割台振动情况的研究以及国内外谷物收获机的发展现状。结果 国外谷物联合收割机械起步比较早,一些发达国家已经基本实现了利用自走式谷物联合收割机来完成农产品的收割,而我国收割机起步时间很短,所以需要着重创新型发展。结论 通过对比我国与国外先进收获机的差距,并对当前我国收获机的发展情况和国外收获机的发展情况展开分析,指出当前谷物收获机的主要发展方向为大功率、多功能、智能化、节能化,并对我国以后的谷物收获机割台发展提出相应的建议。
关键词:  谷物收获机  割台  发展现状  发展趋势
Development status and trend of grain harvester header
Xue Zhiyuan1,Chen Xiusheng1,Tang Huaizhuang1,Li Dejian1,Xing Xiaoming2
1.School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Jinan, Shandong Jinan 250022,China;2.School of Political Science and Law, University of Jinan, Shandong Jinan, 250022,China
Purpose With the continuous improvement of agricultural mechanization level in China,grain harvesters are being used more and more widely. This paper aims to summarize the global trend of grain harvester development by reviewing the existing publications from both China and abroad.Methods The paper mainly focuses on the principles and characteristics of the main parts of grain harvester header,including reel,cutting device and header auger and analyzes the effects of height and speed of each part of grain harvester on harvesting. In addition,some Chinese studies on header vibration and the development status of grain harvesters in both China and abroad are also introduced.Results The development on grain combine harvesters has started earlier in foreign countries than those in China. Some developed countries have almost completed the harvesting of agricultural products with self-propelled grain combine harvesters,while the development of China’s harvesters have largely fallen behind.Conclusion By comparing the gap between China and foreign advanced harvesters,and analyzing the current development of China’s harvesters and foreign harvesters,it is very urgent for China to accelerate its innovative development on harvesters. Some specific suggestions are put forward for the future development of grain harvesters header in China,which mainly indicates the development of high power,multi-function,intelligence and energy-saving harvesters in the near future.
Key words:  grain harvester  header  current status of development  development trends