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目的 面向农村绿色发展的需要,为推动农村宜居环境遥感监测业务的开展提供依据。方法 在农村宜居环境遥感监测内容分析基础上提出初步的建设方案。结果 农村宜居环境遥感监测内容应包括农村居民点本底调查遥感监测、农村居民点景观监测和农村宜居环境评价3个部分。第一项内容属于资源清查性质的监测,是后续遥感监测与评价的基础,可以采用国产中空间分辨率高分卫星数据为主、机器识别与目视判读相结合的农村居民点本底调查遥感监测方案。第二项内容是村落内格局的监测,属于动态监测范畴,可以采用亚米级无人机影像为主、目视判读结合统计外推技术的农村居民点景观遥感监测方案。第三项内容可以采用遥感监测结果为主、结合综合权重打分的宜居环境评价方案。结论 文章提出的技术方案充分考虑了农村宜居环境监测的紧迫性以及遥感技术的潜力,是今后较长时期内农村宜居环境遥感监测方案建设的主要趋势。
关键词:  农村  宜居环境  遥感监测  需求分析  业务内容  设计
Analysis of the contents of rural livable environment remotesensing monitoring and its preliminary design
Liu Jia,Wang Limin,Tang Pengqin,Gao Jianmeng
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
Purpose The purpose of the paper is to provide a basis for promoting the implementation of rural livable environment remote sensing monitoring operation.Method The paper proposes a preliminary construction solution based on the analysis of rural livable environment remote sensing monitoring contents.Results Contents of rural livable environment remote sensing monitoring should include three parts of remote sensing monitoring:(1)background of rural residential areas,(2)landscape monitoring of rural residential areas,(3)the evaluation of rural livable environment. The first one is a survey about the nature of resource,which is the foundation of the follow up remote sensing monitoring and evaluation. The rural residential area background survey can be conducted by utilizing the Chinese medium spatial resolution GF satellite data,supported by the combination of machine cognition and visual interpretation. The second part is the dynamic monitoring of the internal layouts of rural villages,which should mainly use the centimetre-level UAV images,supported by the visual interpretation combined with extrapolation technique. The third part mainly employs remote sensing monitoring results,combined with comprehensive weighted rating.Conclusion The study results show that,the technical solution proposed by the paper has fully considered the urgency of rural livable environment monitoring,and the potential of remote sensing technologies,and it will be the major solution for rural livable environment remote sensing monitoring operation in the long term future.
Key words:  rural  favorable environment  remote sensing monitoring  demand analysis  operational system  design