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1.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081;2.河北省农林科学院农业资源环境研究所,石家庄 050051
目的 针对PDA、触摸屏、手机、计算机等施肥专家系统所依托的载体硬件容量资源有限以及施肥技术产品用户分散,施肥推荐所需的土壤学、蔬菜学、植物营养学、肥料学等学科领域海量数据逐个更新难度大的问题,研发蔬菜简便快速推荐施肥系统APP。方法 以基于土壤养分系统平衡理念的蔬菜施肥量简便快速推荐模型为核心,综合应用移动通信技术、数据存储等现代科学技术的发展成果,设计了蔬菜施肥量简便快速推荐系统(SVFRS),并在iOS、Android操作系统的智能手机上实现(APP)。结果 技术产品在河北省(定兴县、藁城区)、天津市(西青区、武清区)等日光温室蔬菜基地示范应用,减施化肥30%以上,增产8%以上,增效15%以上;完成一次到农户地块的精准化专家施肥技术指导花费不足0.1元(0.1~0.2 M的数据流量);专家只需更新数据中心的数据就可以为用户提供新的科学数据支撑。
关键词:  蔬菜  施肥专家系统  智能手机客户端  数据中心
Implementation and application of smart phone APP for simplified vegetable fertilization recommendation system
Zhang Huaizhi1,Huang Shaowen1,Ji Hongjie1,Tang Jiwei1,Li Ruonan2,Yuan Shuo1
1.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081,China;2.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment,Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences,Shijiazhuang 050051,China
Purpose At present,the carrier hardware (such as PDA,touch screen,smart phone,and computer) supported by the fertilization expert system in China has limited capacity resources. At the same time,the users of fertilization technology products are scattered,and the comprehensive subjects such as the soil science,vegetable science,plant nutrition,are required for fertilizer recommendation of vegetables,and the massive data are difficult to update one by one. Based on this situation,the purpose of this paper is to develop a simplified smart phone APP of fertilization recommendation system for vegetables.Methods Based on the concept of soil nutrient balance we developed a simple and rapid recommendation model of vegetable fertilization,and comprehensively applied the development results of modern science and technology such as mobile communication technology and data storage. A simplified vegetable fertilization recommendation system (SVFRS) APP was designed,and was implemented on the common smartphone operating systems such as iOS and Android.Results The technical products have been demonstrated in the solar greenhouse vegetable bases in Hebei Province (Dingxing County,Licheng District,etc.),Tianjin City (Xiqing District,Wuqing District,etc.). Results showed that application of the products could save more than 30% of chemical fertilizers,at the same time,accompanied by respectively increasing yield and income by more than 8% and 15% respectively. The cost of one precision guidance to the farmer’s plot is less than 0.1 RMB yuan (0.1~0.2 M data flow). Experts can provide users with new scientific data supported by the data center with rapid data update according to the uniform database constructed rules and formats.
Key words:  vegetable  fertilization recommendation expert system  smartphone terminals  data center