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中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所/农业农村部农业遥感重点实验室,北京 100081
目的 系统梳理农业机器人研发现状,归纳凝练目前存在的关键科学问题,明确未来发展分析,促进农业机器人更好服务于农业生产,提高农业生产的机械化和智能化水平。方法 通过对国内外大量文献资料的收集、查阅,总结梳理了当前国内外农业机器人的研究现状与应用现状。结果 目前农业机器人总体包括植保机器人、采摘机器人、信息采集机器人、移栽嫁接机器人4种典型机器人,机器人的共性系统及关键技术主要包括:自动导航与路径规划、作物目标识别与分析、机械臂自主规划与控制、多机协作和智能交互。结论 当前农业机器人在农业中的应用越来越广泛,但推广与普及的主要瓶颈是农业机器人的制造成本问题和智能化程度问题,农业机器人未来主要研究方向是低成本高适应性的开放性机器人研究和“农业大脑”智能决策体系的构建。
关键词:  农业机器人  研究现状  技术进展  智能化
Review on the progress of agricultural robot research
Li Dandan,Shi Yun,Li Huibin,Han Wei,Duan Yulin,Wu Wenbin
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100081,China
Purpose This paper systematically sorts out the development status of agricultural robots,summarizes the current key scientific problems,and analyzes the future development.The in-depth research can make agricultural robot technology serve agricultural production better as well as improve the level of mechanization and intelligentization of agricultural production.Method Through collecting and reviewing a large number of domestic and overseas literatures and materials,this paper concludes the current research and application status of agricultural robots at home and abroad.Result Currently,there are four typical agricultural robots including planting robots,picking robots,information gathering robots and transplanting grafting robots.And the common systems and key technologies of robots include automatic navigation and path planning,crop target recognition and analysis,robotic arm planning and control,multi-machine cooperation and intelligent interaction.Conclusion At present,the application of agricultural robots in agriculture is more and more extensive,but the bottleneck of its promotion and popularization is mainly the problem of agricultural robot manufacturing cost and intelligentization degree.Therefore,the main research directions of agricultural robots in the future focus on open robots of low cost and high adaptability as well as the construction of intelligent decision system for “agricultural brain”.
Key words:  agricultural robots  research status  technical progress  intelligent