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1.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所/农业农村部农业遥感重点实验室,北京100081;2.黑龙江大学电子工程学院,哈尔滨150080;3.桂林理工大学测绘地理信息学院,广西 桂林541004
目的 实现基于简化物理模型方法的碳卫星叶绿素荧光反演,并将反演结果与OCO-2荧光产品进行对比。方法 文章选取770.1 nm处受大气影响较小的KI夫琅和费暗线,利用碳卫星的L1B级星下点观测数据和对日定标数据,以中国东北为研究区,利用基于简化物理模型的荧光提取算法,反演得到中国东北地区2018年7月的叶绿素荧光信息,并利用同期MODIS数据的云掩膜产品来剔除受云影响的区域,得到晴空条件下的荧光结果。结果 该研究反演得到的东北地区2018年7月荧光结果值介于-3~7 mW/m2/sr/nm之间,荧光强度较大的点分布在锡林郭勒盟中西部,辽宁省的中部和东部,吉林省的西南部以及黑龙江的西部地区。结论 将该文反演结果与OCO-2卫星的荧光产品进行对比,发现两者之间具有很好的一致性,说明基于简化物理模型的反演算法可以较好地实现碳卫星的叶绿素荧光反演。
关键词:  叶绿素荧光  碳卫星  KI夫琅和费暗线
Retrieval of chlorophyll fluorescence from Tansat in Northeast China
Li Shilei1,Gao Maofang1,Li Zhaoliang1,Li Fangjie1,Gao Ya2,Liao Qianyu3
1.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing,Ministry of Agriculture,Beijing 100081,China;2.School of Electronic Engineering,Heilongjiang University,Harbin 150080,China;3.College of Geomatics and Geoinformation,Guilin University of Technology,Guangxi Guilin 541004,China
Purpose This paper aims to realize the inversion of chlorophyll fluorescence based on the simplified physical model method from TanSat satellite and compare inversion results with OCO-2 fluorescence product.Method In this paper,the KI Fraunhofer line,which is less affected by the atmosphere at 770.1 nm,is selected. Simultaneously,the L1B-level data of TanSat is used to extract chlorophyll fluorescence of Northeast China in July 2018 based on the simplified physical model. We use cloud mask products from MODIS data at the same period to eliminate cloud-affected areas and obtain fluorescence results under clear sky conditions.Result The fluorescence value of the northeastern China in July 2018 is between -3 mW·m-2·sr-1·nm-1 and 7 mW·m-2·sr-1·nm-1. The points with higher fluorescence intensity are distributed in the central and western part of Xilin Gol League,the central and eastern parts of Liaoning Province,the southwest of Jilin Province,and the western of Heilongjiang Province.Conclusion Comparing the inversion results with the OCO-2 satellite fluorescence products,it is found that there is a high consistency between them. This indicated that the inversion algorithm based on the simplified physical model can retrieve the chlorophyll fluorescence with TanSat satellite.
Key words:  chlorophyll Fluorescence  TanSat satellite  KI Fraunhofer Dark Line