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中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081
目的 总结已有成果,明确发展目标,为中国数字农业的发展提供指导依据。方法 文章在数字农业发展过程扼要回顾的基础上,从历史、基础、核心及目标等几个方面分析了现代数字农业的基本构成。结果 认为数字农业是在现代农业生产体系的数字化基础上决策与服务能力的现代化提升,数字农业的建设内容至少包括硬件平台、信息管理系统、分析决策系统和应用服务系统等4个部分。结论 中国数字农业体系的建设,是面向中国农业生产的实际需要,为实现农业现代化,促进农业生产绿色发展的需要提出的。要保证数字农业的健康发展,不仅需要明确数字农业建设的指导思想,更要注重功能定位与服务效能是数字农业建设的基本原则。
关键词:  中国  数字农业  基本理念  建设内容  系统设计
Basic concept of China¡¯s digital agriculture and design of its construction contents
Wang Limin,Liu Jia,Yang Lingbo,Yang Fugang
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to summarize the gained achievements,identify development targets and provide basis for guiding the development of China’s digital agriculture.Method Based on the brief review of the development course of digital agriculture,the paper analyzes the basic components of modern digital agriculture from the aspects of its development history,foundation,core and development targets.Result The paper concludes that,the modern agriculture is a modernized upgrade of decision-making and service capacity based on digitalization of modern agricultural production system,and the construction contents of digital agriculture should be at least including four parts:hardware platform,information management system,analysis and decision-making system,and application service system.Conclusion Construction of China’s digital agriculture system is proposed to meet the practical needs of China’s agriculture production and the needs to promote agriculture production green development,so as to realize agriculture modernization. To ensure the health development of digital agriculture,we not only need to identify the guiding ideology for digital agriculture construction,but also need to pay attention to its basic principle of focusing on functional positioning and service efficiency.
Key words:  China  digital agriculture  basic concept  construction contents  systematic design