引用本文:高 雅,高懋芳※,王晓飞,黄 硕,李石磊.基于TVDI 与荧光的呼伦贝尔市干旱时空动态监测研究[J].中国农业信息,2019,31(1):82-94
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基于TVDI 与荧光的呼伦贝尔市干旱时空动态监测研究
高 雅1,2, 高懋芳※1, 王晓飞2, 黄 硕2, 李石磊1
【目的】呼伦贝尔地区降水量少,年际和年内分布不均,灌溉条件不发达,干旱对当 地农业和畜牧业生产造成了严重影响,结合干旱监模型与荧光数据可对呼伦贝尔干旱情况 进行有效监测。【方法】文章使用MODIS 归一化植被指数(NDVI)和地表温度(LST)产 品,建立Ts-NDVI 特征空间,计算温度植被干旱指数(TVDI),同时结合GOME-2 L2 级荧 光产品,综合分析评价2017—2018 年呼伦贝尔地区干旱时空变化特征。【结果】该文建立的 干旱指数模型能有效监测呼伦贝尔市干旱状况,干旱等级划分结果表明,2017—2018 年呼 伦贝尔地区存在不同程度的干旱问题,此模型在该研究区干旱监测上具有很好的适用性;通 过SIF 与NDVI 的变化过程对比分析发现,SIF 对水分胁迫等植被生理变化比较敏感,SIF 较 NDVI 而言,能更有效地反映植物受胁迫状况。【结论】通过MODIS 产品与GOME-2 L2 荧光 产品相结合,可以更准确地监测分析该研究区内的干旱时空动态变化,为呼伦贝尔市的旱情 监测提供重要参考。
关键词:  干旱监测  TVDI  GOME-2 L2 荧光产品  干旱等级
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“耦合遥感与作物生长模型的农业干旱预警研究”(41871282);北京空间机电研究 所技术开发项目,高分五号全谱段数据地表温度反演与农业干旱监测应用示范
Temporal and spatial drought monitoring based on TVDI andchlorophyll fluorescence in Hulunbuir
Gao Ya1,2, Gao Maofang※1, Wang Xiaofei2, Huang Shuo2, Li Shilei1
1.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081;2.School of Electronic Engineering,Heilongjiang University,Harbin 150080,China
[Purpose]Drought,as the most common and widespread natural disaster in the world,occurs frequently and always lasts for a long time. Usually,the economic losses and impacts caused by drought far exceed those of other meteorological disasters. The Hulunbeier area has less precipitation,uneven distribution of precipitation,and underdeveloped irrigation conditions. Drought has seriously affected local agriculture and animal husbandry production. [Method]In this work,MODIS normalized vegetation index(NDVI)and surface temperature (LST)products were used to establish the Ts-NDVI feature space,Simultaneously,The Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index(TVDI)was calculated. Combining GOME-2 L2 grade fluorescent products,we comprehensively analyzed and evaluated the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of drought in Hulunbeier area from 2017 to 2018.[Result]The drought index model established in this paper can effectively monitor the drought situation in Hulunbeier City. Our division of drought grades indicate that there are different degrees of drought in the Hulunbeier area from 2017 to 2018. This model has a good applicability for drought monitoring in this study area. Comparing the changes of SIF and NDVI,we found that SIF is more sensitive to vegetation physiological changes such as water stress. Additionally,SIF can reflect the stress status of plants more effective than NDVI.[Conclusion]The combination of MODIS products and GOME-2 L2 fluorescent products can monitor and analyze the dynamic changes of drought in our study area accurately. This provides an important reference for drought monitoring and early warning in Hulunbeier City.
Key words:  drought monitoring  TVDI  GOME-2 L2 fluorescent products  drought level