引用本文:潘天力,杨胜天,相 华,赵长森※,赵 瑾.小型消费级无人机快速高精度估算地物高度[J].中国农业信息,2019,31(1):112-124
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潘天力1, 杨胜天1,2, 相 华3, 赵长森※1,2, 赵 瑾3
1.北京师范大学 地理科学学部 遥感科学国家重点实验室,北京 100875;2.北京师范大学 水科学研究院城市水循环与海绵城市技术北京市重点实验室,北京 100875;3.济南市水文局,山东济南 250013
【目的】小型消费级无人机航拍数据量高分辨率遥感数据重要组成部分,可利用地物 阴影快速提取地物高度,进而提取地物结构信息。【方法】研究选择地物种类丰富的农业区 展开实验,根据无人机传感器是否拍摄到阴影的全部区域设置2 种情景,计算地物高度,并 与实际高度和无人机生成的传统测高方法得到的高度对比,来验证方法的可靠性。【结果】 结果表明当无人机传感器能拍摄到地物阴影的全部区域时,基于阴影估算的地物高度与地物 实际高度平均误差为0.88 m,平均相对误差为12.25%,而当无人机传感器只能拍摄到部分 阴影区域时,估算地物高度与实际值的平均误差为0.79 m,平均相对误差为13.28%。上述 结果表明该方法能够高精度计算地物高度,并且其精度超过无人机传统测高方法生成数字表 面模型提取的地物高度。【结论】该研究提出的小型消费级无人机利用地物阴影计算高度方 法能够应用于实际,并使得未布设控制点的无人机数据也可作为阴影测高法的数据来源,为 遥感快速获取地物高度信息提供了一种新的思路。
关键词:  阴影  小型消费级无人机  高度  快速  高精度
基金项目:国家自然科学基金“国家自然科学基金委员会- 贵州省人民政府卡斯特科学研究中心项目”(编号 u1812401)以及国家重点研发项目“林草、梯田对流域产水产沙的耦合作用机制”(编号2016YFC0402403)
Fast and high-precision calculation of object heightusing small consumer-grade drones
Pan Tianli1, Yang Shengtian1,2, Xiang Hua3, Zhao Changsen※1,2, Zhao Jin3
1.School of Geography,Faculty of Geographical Science,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China;2.College of Water Sciences,Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Hydrological Cycle and Sponge City Technology,Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875,China;3.Jinan Survey Bureau of Hydrology and Water Resources,Shandong Jinan 250013,China
[Purpose]The use of high-resolution remote sensing data to obtain ground structure information is an important topic,and the height of the object is a very important part of the structure information of the object. Among the various methods for estimating the height of a feature by remote sensing,the shadow altimetry method only needs a single image to quickly extract the height of the building,and has been widely used in the world. Small consumer-grade drone aerial data is an important part of high-resolution remote sensing imagery. However,there are few reports on the actual measurement of building or vegetation height using such drones. [Method]This paper selects a research area with a wide variety of features,based on two scenarios that whether UAV sensor captures all the areas of the shadow to calculate the height of the object,and uses the actual height and the digital surface model generated by the traditional UAV height measurement method for comparison.[ Result]The results show that when the UAV sensor can capture the entire area of the shadow of the object,the average error of the shadow estimation height and the actual height is 0.88 meters,and the average relative error is 12.25%. When the UAV sensor can only capture part of the shadow area. When the average error is 0.79 meters and the average relative error is 13.28%,the height of the object can be calculated with high precision,and its accuracy exceeds the height of the ground object extracted by the digital surface model generated by the traditional method of UAV.[Conclusion]Therefore,this study proposes that the high-level method of small-scale consumer-grade UAVs can be effectively used for practical activities,and enriches the data source of the shadow altimetry method,providing a new way for remote sensing to quickly acquire ground structure information.
Key words:  shadow  small consumer UAV  height  fast  high-precision