引用本文:张海东,周为友,蔡剑峰,李 兵,张 青※,葛 畅.苏州市“互联网+”现代农业发展现状与建议[J].中国农业信息,2019,31(3):98-105
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张海东1, 周为友2, 蔡剑峰2, 李 兵3, 张 青※1, 葛 畅2
1.江苏太湖地区农业科学研究所/ 苏州市农业科学院,苏州215155;2.苏州市农业农村局,江苏苏州215128;3.吴中区农业干部技术学院,江苏苏州215128
【目的】梳理苏州市“互联网+”现代农业的发展特征,旨在为区域“互联网+”现代农业发展提供理论支撑,并为我国农业现代化发展提供借鉴。【方法】文章阐述了“互联网+”现代农业提出的背景,详细分析了苏州市“互联网+”现代农业的发展现状、优势,剖析了存在的问题,并有针对性地提出了相关发展建议。【结果/ 结论】苏州市积极推进互联网与现代农业深度融合,在基地建设、物联网应用、人才培养等方面取得较大进展,是我国经济发达地区互联网与现代农业相结合的典型,但仍需在现有水平上强化建设,在农业信息化基础建设、区域同步发展、推进示范推广、物联网示范基地升级、补齐人才短板等方面下功夫,逐步形成农业产业发展新驱动的关键路径。
关键词:  互联网+  农业现代化  物联网  电子商务  破解路径
Research on the development status of“ Internet plus”modern agriculture in Suzhou
Zhang Haidong1, Zhou Weiyou2, Cai Jianfen2, Li Bing3, Zhang Qing※1, Ge Chang2
1.Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Taihu Area of Jiangsu/Suzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Suzhou 215155,China;2.Suzhou Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Jiangsu Suzhou 215128,China;3.Technical college for agricultural cadres of Wuzhong District,Jiangsu Suzhou 215128,China
[Purpose]“Internet plus” plays an increasingly prominent role in integrating and guiding agriculture in recent years. It provides a new vision and approach to solve the problems of agriculture,rural areas and farmers,and has become an important lever for rural development in the new era. By systematically summarizing the development characteristics of“ Internet plus” modern agriculture in Suzhou,the aim of this paper is to provide the theoretical support and reference for regional“ Internet plus” modern agricultural development. [Method]The background that“ Internet plus” modern agriculture puts forward was elaborated,the development status,advantages and existing problems of“ Internet plus” modern agriculture in Suzhou was also analyzed. Then the way to solve these difficulties was discussed. [Result/Conclusion]The internet and modern agriculture was deeply integrated in Suzhou,especially in agricultural base construction,internet of things development,talent cultivation,which is a model of the combination between internet and modern agriculture in the developed areas of our country. However,the agricultural informatization basis needs to be strengthen,and more time and energy should be spent on regional synchronous development,demonstration and popularization,internet of things demonstration base construction and talent training,to form the key path of new drive of agriculture industry development.
Key words:  internet plus  agricultural modernization  internet of things  electronic commerce  improving path