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魏建林, 崔荣宗※
山东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所/ 农业农村部黄淮海平原农业环境重点实验室/山东省环保肥料工程技术研究中心,济南250100
【目的】简便、快捷并易于被农民操作使用的推荐施肥专家系统的研发与应用将有助于玉米生产。【方法】“玉米养分专家系统”基于大量田间试验数据,利用QUEFTS 模型模拟不同生态条件下不同目标产量的玉米养分吸收,根据产量反应和农学效率之间的关系,并结合土壤养分平衡计算出该生态条件下的最佳施肥量,同时对田间管理措施给予优化建议。文章从该软件的特点、原理、发展历程、田间应用效果等方面进行了详细阐述。【结果/结论】该软件由国际植物营养研究所(IPNI)研发,自2009 年引入中国以来先后升级改版多次,从最初的计算机单机版,依次推出了网页在线版、智能手机微信版等。经过多年、多地的田间试验验证,使用该软件指导玉米生产,相比农民习惯施肥及官方推荐施肥均有改善,可以实现精准施肥、降低肥料投入、提高玉米种植生产收益。随着人工智能与互联网技术的不断融合,“玉米养分专家系统”操作更加简便、精确,具有良好的应用和发展前景。
关键词:  养分专家系统  QUEFTS 模型  精准施肥  智能化
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划专题“华北平原小麦—玉米轮作区域精准施肥技术集成与示范”(2015BDA23B0206);国家重点研发计划(2018YFD0200600);国家重点研发计划(2016YFD0200100);IPNI 国际合作项目“山东省基于产量反应和农学效率的小麦玉米推荐施肥”
Development and application of the Maize Nutrition Expert System
Wei Jianlin, Cui Rongzong
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment,Shandong Academy of Agricultural Science / Key Laboratory of Agro-Environment of Huang-Huai-Hai Plain,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs / Shandong Provincial Engineering Research Center of Environmental Protection Fertilizers,Jinan 250100,China
[Purpose]This paper introduces the development and application of the Maize Nutrition Expert System:a computer software system for guiding the application of maize fertilizer. [Method]The development of the Maize Nutrient Expert System is based on a large number of field trial data. The QUEFTS model is used to simulate the optimal nutrient uptake of maize under different ecological conditions,according to the relationship between yield response and agronomic efficiency,and the soil nutrient balance. The best fertilization amount is recommended under different conditions,which would optimize the field management measures. This paper finally summarizes the characteristics,principles,development history and field application effects of the software.[Result/Conclusion]The software was developed by the International Plant Nutrition Institute(IPNI). Since it is introduced in China in 2009,it has been upgraded and re-edited many times. From the initial computer version,it has launched the online version of the webpage,smart phone WeChat version,etc. After years of field trials,the results show that comparing to farmers’ traditional fertilization,the software can achieve more accurate fertilization recommendations,reduce fertilizer input,and increase maize planting production income. Therefore the software has good application prospects. With the continuous integration of artificial intelligence and Internet technology,the operation of“ Maize Nutrient Expert System” will be more convenient and accurate,with good application and development prospects.
Key words:  Nutrient Expert System  QUEFTS model  precise fertilization  intelligent