引用本文:贾艳辉,程 千,阎 伟,李金山※.管灌区管网用水调控模型研究[J].中国农业信息,2019,31(4):43-50
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贾艳辉1, 程 千1, 阎 伟2, 李金山※1
【目的】探索管灌区管网用水优化配置方法,有助于减少开关阀门次数、保障管网运 行安全。【方法】将管网水动力学模型嵌入到以管网配水时间最小和各节点流量变化最小为 目标的管网优化配水模型,通过模型间公共参数的数据交换,构建管网用水配置耦合模型, 并采用迭代法对其进行寻优,最终形成管网用水调控模型。【结果】利用该耦合模型可以精 准模拟管网各节点的压力流量变化过程,与管灌区目前常用的管网优化配置方法相比,使用 耦合模型对管网水资源进行优化配置,在实现管网配水全过程实时监控的同时,使得到的结 果更加真实和精细。【结论】该方法的应用实例证明了该模型和算法的有效性;嵌入分布式 水动力学模型后,耦合模型无法用传统的规划方法进行求解,迭代求解的迭代格式建立及求 解过程比较耗时;该方法为包含分布信息的水资源优化配置问题提供了新的思路。
关键词:  管网  耦合  优化  决策
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC0403204);中国农业科学院重大选题培育项目“天空地农田精准灌溉智 能获取技术与装备研发”
Water use regulation model in pipe irrigation district
Jia Yanhui1, Cheng Qian1, Yan Wei2, Li Jinshan※1
1.Farmland Irrigation Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Henan Xinxiang 453002,China;2.Hebei Design Institute of Water Conservancy & Hydro-Electric Power,Tianjin 300250,China
[ Purpose]An optimal water distribution model is constructed in order to explore the optimal allocation method of water use in pipe irrigation area,reduce the times of switching valves and ensure the safety of pipe network operation. [Method]This model can be used to get the most optimized goals settled as the minimum time of water distribution and the low flow change of each node,with a coupled hydrodynamic model of the pipe network. The coupling of these two models is formed through the data exchange of the common parameters of these two models and is solved by an iterative method. [Result]The results show that the coupling model can accurately simulate the pressure and flow process of each node in the pipeline network. Compared with the current optimal allocation method of pipe network in pipe irrigation area,the coupling model can monitor the whole process of water distribution,and the results are more real and more precise. [Conclusion]The coupling model and iterative algorithm are proven to be effective by the application example. After embedding the distributed hydrodynamic model,the coupled model cannot be solved by using the traditional programming method,because it is time-consuming to build the iteration format. This method provides a new idea for the optimal allocation of water resources with distribution information.
Key words:  pipeline network  coupling  optimization  decision-making