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崔倩1, 毛旭东2, 陈德清1, 瞿孟2, 白珏莹2
【目的】高分三号(GF-3)卫星具有全天时、全天候对地观测能力,基于高分三号雷达数据开展水体自动提取及业务运行研究,是洪涝监测、旱情监测等水资源管理的技术支撑。【方法】文章提出了一种基于阈值自动分割的水体自动化提取算法,通过影像直方图分布特征自动确定分割阈值,自动化提取水体。针对全国大范围业务监测需求,设计提出数据订阅接收、数据预处理、水体提取、后处理和产品入库、数据分析和产品展示的全流程业务运行系统。【结果】以云南省阳宗海、江苏省洪泽湖、北京市密云水库等3 个典型水体验证算法的有效性,比较了不同极化数据水体提取结果。(1)直方图呈现典型的双峰特征分布,水体和背景像元被自动化寻找的阈值有效分割;(2)水体提取的精度对极化方式的选取并不敏感。【结论】采用GF-3 卫星数据进行水体自动提取,能有效监测水资源,为洪涝、旱情等农田水利管理提供数据支持。
关键词:  高分三号  水体提取  自动化阈值  业务化
Research on automation and operationality in water extraction based on GF-3
Cui Qian1, Mao Xudong2, Chen Deqing1, Qu Meng2, Bai Jueying2
1.Information Center/Hydrology Monitor and Forecast Center,Ministry of Water Resources,Beijing 100053,China;2.Wuhan University,Hubei Wuhan 430072,China
[Purpose]Due to its capacity of providing all-time and all-weather observations, automation and operationality in water extraction based on GF-3 strongly supports the use of domestic satellite data in operational applications associated with flood monitoring and water resource management.[Method]This paper introduces an automated water extraction algorithm, which automatically performs threshold segmentation according to the histogram distribution characteristics. For nationwide operational monitoring,this paper presents a processing system containing data subscription reception,data preprocessing,water extraction,afterprocessing, product storage,data analysis and exhibition.[Result]Yangzonghai Lake,Hongze Lake and Miyun Reservoir are used to validate the effectiveness,and the effect of polarization on extraction result is analyzed.(1)The histogram exhibits double peak feature. Water body and background pixels are accurately separated by the threshold value.(2)Polarization has little influence on the water extraction algorithm.[Conclusion]Water extraction based on GF-3 automatically can effectively monitor water resources and provide data support for the management of farmland water conservancy such as flood and drought.
Key words:  GF-3  water extraction  automatic threshold  operational method