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李会宾, 史云※
【目的】我国果园面积和水果产量位居世界首列,但是水果种植管理基本依赖人工,其中水果采收就属于高耗劳动力任务,需要大量的农村劳动力参与。但是近年来农村劳动力呈现出老龄化、逐渐减少和高成本化的趋势,这不仅会降低水果的采摘效率,还会造成果园投入成本和水果生产成本增加。为了缓解这一现象给水果产业带来的影响,研发果园采摘机器人将是果园生产低成本高效益的重要选择之一。果园采摘机器人属于多学科融合的技术载体,该研发会面临大量技术挑战。【方法】文章以文献整理和市场调查相结合对采摘机器人研究现状进行梳理,展现国内外多种类型的果园采摘机器人的科研成果,对目前存在的问题进行深入分析,探讨果园采摘机器人的基本系统组成、现存的难题,针对发现的难题提出对策。【结果/ 结论】果园采摘机器人在我国具有巨大的应用空间,但是由于研发难度大,国内外经济实用的果园采摘机器人产品还很少。需要加大智能采摘机器人的研发力度,综合多学科高新技术,大力开展智能采摘技术及装备的创新研究工作,提高机器人的精准化、便携化、低成本化,促进我国果园采摘机器人早日投入应用。
关键词:  果园  采摘机器人  研究现状  难题  对策
Review on orchard harvesting robots
Li Huibin, Shi Yun※
Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Agricultural Information Technology,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100081,China
[Purpose]China’s orchard area and fruit yield rank first in the world,but the fruit planting management largely relies on human. Fruit harvesting is a repetitive and labor-consuming task that requires the participation of a large number of rural labors. However,in recent years, the rural labor presents the trend of aging,reduction and high cost,which will not only reduce the fruit harvesting efficiency,but also lead to the cost increase of fruit production. In order to alleviate the impact of this problem on the fruit industry,developing orchard harvesting robot will be one of the important choices for orchard production with low cost and high benefit. As a multi-disciplinary technology carrier,the research of orchard harvesting robots need to overcome many technical challenges.[Method]In this paper,the current situation of the harvesting robots is sorted out based on literature research and market research,which shows the progress and problems of various types of orchard harvesting robots at home and abroad. In addition,the basic system composition and existing problems of the orchard harvesting robots are discussed,and countermeasures are put forward.[Result/Conclusion]Orchard harvesting robots will have a huge application potential in China,but due to the difficulties in research and development,there are few economic and practical orchard harvesting robot products at home and abroad. It is necessary to strengthen the research and development of intelligent harvesting robots,integrate multi-disciplinary high-tech,vigorously carry out innovative research on intelligent harvesting technology and equipment,and promote the early application of orchard harvesting robots in China.
Key words:  orchard  harvesting robots  research status  problem  countermeasure