引用本文: | 杨荣娟,刘洋※,闵庆文,刘荣高,焦雯珺,刘某承,李禾尧,贺献林.河北涉县旱作石堰梯田农业文化遗产景观特征及演变[J].中国农业信息,2019,31(6):61-73 |
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河北涉县旱作石堰梯田农业文化遗产景观特征及演变 |
杨荣娟1,2, 刘洋※1, 闵庆文1, 刘荣高1, 焦雯珺1, 刘某承1, 李禾尧1,2, 贺献林3
摘要: |
【目的】河北涉县旱作石堰梯田系统作为我国重要农业文化遗产,是太行山区减少水土流失、保护生物多样性和提升粮食产量的重要手段。【方法】文章分析了遗产地的石堰梯田形态特征,景观空间分布及结构特征,并基于Landsat 卫星遥感影像研究了1990—2017 年遗产地的景观演变特征,探讨了景观演变的驱动因素。【结果/ 结论】与我国南方稻作梯田景观和北方黄土梯田相比,石堰梯田具有以石作埂、土层薄、田间土石混合的独特形态特征;遗产地形成了“林地—石堰梯田—村落—河流/ 河滩地”的景观立体结构,系统各景观要素共同作用,实现了水土资源高效利用和水土保持等重要功能;1990 年以来遗产地景观发生深刻变化,梯田和草地面积减小,林地显著扩张,建设用地扩大;梯田面积显著缩减,由1990 年的24.41% 减少到2017 年的13.55%,主要转出为林地、抛荒为草地和被建设用地扩张侵占;区域景观多样性和景观均匀度减小,林地的优势地位增强,而梯田和草地景观破碎程度持续加深;遗产地景观演变主要受“退耕还林”政策实施和城镇化发展等因素的影响。 |
关键词: 农业文化遗产 旱作石堰梯田 景观特征 动态演变 涉县 |
DOI:10.12105/j.issn.1672-0423.20190607 |
分类号: |
基金项目:中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA19080303);农业农村部“2019 年中国的全球重要农业文化遗产保护与研究”项目(12190034);中国科学院青年创新促进会(2019056) |
Landscape characteristics and evolution of agricultural heritage of dryland stone-ridge terraced field in Shexian,Hebei province |
Yang Rongjuan1,2, Liu Yang※1, Min Qingwen1, Liu Ronggao1, Jiao Wenjun1, Liu Moucheng1, Li Heyao1,2, He Xianlin3
1.Institute of Geographic Sciences and Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;3.Rural Agriculture
Bureau of Shexian,Hebei Shexian 056400,China
Abstract: |
[Purpose]As an important agricultural cultural heritage in China,dryland stoneridge terrace system in Shexian,Hebei province is an important means to reduce soil erosion, protect biodiversity and improve grain yield in Taihang Mountain,which has important references for the sustainable development of modern agricultural technology.[Method]The article analyzes the morphological characteristics,spatial distribution and structural characteristics of dryland stone-ridge terraces in the heritage site,and studies the landscape evolution characteristics of the heritage site from 1990 to 2017 based on Landsat satellite remote sensing images,and then discusses the driving factors of the landscape evolution.[Result/Conclusion](1)compared with rice terraced fields in south China and loess terraced fields in north China,Shexian dryland stone-ridge terraces have unique morphological characteristics,with stone ridge,thin soil layer and mixed soil and rock in fields.(2)The heritage site of Shexian dryland terraces has formed a composite landscape system of“ forest-dryland stone-ridge terraces-villages-rivers/ beaches”,in which all landscape elements work together to realize the important functions of efficient utilization of land and water resources and water and soil conservation.(3)Since 1990, the landscape of heritage site has undergone profound changes,such as the reduction of stoneridge terraces and grassland area,significant expansion of forest and expansion of built-up area. As an important landscape type of heritage site,the dryland stone-ridge terraces have been transformed with other landscapes in the system since the end of 20th century. The proportion of dryland stone-ridge terraces decreased from 24.41% in 1990 to 13.55% in 2017.(4)The landscape diversity and landscape uniformity of heritage site decreased,while the connectivity among landscape patches increased,the dominant position of forest became more significant, and the fragmentation degree of dryland stone-ridge terraces and grassland continued deepening. The landscape evolution of heritage site is mainly influenced by the policy of“returning farmland to forests” and the development of urbanization. For agricultural cultural heritage sites,landscape protection of dryland stone-ridge terraces is an important part of agricultural heritage protection. Therefore,the management system of terraced fields should be established and improved,and the occupation of dryland stone-ridge terraces should be avoided to maintain the integrity and continuity of dryland stone-ridge terraces. Furthermore,ecological tourism and ecological agriculture should be developed appropriately when developing and utilizing dryland stone-ridge terraces in order to maintain the diversity of the landscape in heritage site. |
Key words: agricultural heritage dryland stone-ridge terraces landscape characteristics dynamic evolution Shexian |