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王殿中1, 李任君2,3, 高懋芳※2, 朱晓琳2
1.北京空间机电研究所,北京 100094;2.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081;3.桂林理工大学测绘地理信息学院,广西桂林541006
【目的】“高分五号”卫星是中国首颗同时具有4 个热红外通道的遥感卫星,文章目 的是促进中国遥感卫星的应用,提高地表温度反演能力。【方法】文章对“高分五号”卫 星分别采用两通道劈窗算法和四通道劈窗算法反演得到内蒙古地区2019 年3 月份的地表温 度,并通过实测站点温度数据对反演温度进行检验。【结果】两通道劈窗算法的温度RMS 为 2.168 K,四通道劈窗算法的温度RMS 为1.609 K,结果表明四通道劈窗算法反演精度更高。 将四通道劈窗算法应用到2019 年3 月至6 月获取的山东省部分区域数据,反演了地表温度, 用于区域尺度农情信息监测与定量评价,为农业精细化管理提供技术支持。【结论】研究结 果表明,“高分五号”卫星地表温度反演精度较高,其高空间分辨率的地表温度信息将在农 业干旱监测中发挥重要作用。
关键词:  劈窗算法  地表温度  热红外遥感  “高分五号”卫星
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“耦合遥感与作物生长模型的农业干旱预警研究”(41871282);高分辨率对地观测 系统重大专项(50-Y20A07-0508-15/16)
Land surface temperature retrieval and validation of GF-5 satellite
Wang Dianzhong1, Li Renjun2,3, Gao Maofang※2, Zhu Xiaolin2
1.Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics& Electricity,Beijing 100094,China;2.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning of CAAS,Beijing 100081,China;3.College of Geomatics and Geoinfomation,Guilin University of Technology,Guangxi Guilin 541006,China
[Purpose]GF-5 is Chinese first satellite that equipped with four channels in thermal infrared spectrum. The purpose of this study is to advocate the application of domestic remote sensing satellite and improve the capability of surface temperature inversion. [Method]we adopted both two-channel and four-channel split window algorithm to retrieve land surface temperature(LST)in Inner Mongolia,where site records were available for validation. [Result]Comparison between these two algorithms showed that temperature RMSE of two-channel and four-channel split window algorithm was 2.168 K and 1.609 K,respectively. Since the fourchannel split window algorithm representing higher precision,it was chosen and applied in LST retrieval in Shandong province. The LST retrieving result of GF-5 satellite data will be used for regional monitoring and quantitative evaluation of agricultural information,and thus provided technical support for precise agriculture.[ Conclusion]The results shows that the land surface temperature of gaofen-5 satellite has high accuracy,and it’s high spatial resolution land surface temperature information will play an important role in agricultural drought monitoring.
Key words:  split window algorithm  land surface temperature  thermal remote sensing  GF-5 satellite