引用本文:朱月平,刘仕元,陈婷婷,王鑫悦,曾瑞儿,王蕾迪,漆海霞,兰玉彬,张雷※.基于中国知网和Web of Science 的无人机文献计量分析[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(2):92-100
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基于中国知网和Web of Science 的无人机文献计量分析
朱月平, 刘仕元, 陈婷婷, 王鑫悦, 曾瑞儿, 王蕾迪, 漆海霞, 兰玉彬, 张雷※
华南农业大学农学院,广东广州 510642
【目的】通过文献计量学的方法,对无人机发展近况进行研究。【方法】在中国知网 和Web of Science 两大数据库平台上对无人机相关文献进行检索,基于CiteSpace 文献分析软 件,对两大平台的无人机相关文献发表量、国家分布、被引量、发表机构、研究方向、研 究热点和无人机机型进行文献计量学分析。【结果】两大平台发文量变化趋势相似,在Web of Science 我国和美国的发文量占比最大,但平均被引用量西班牙、澳大利亚、法国、德国、 英国和美国6 个国家高于平均值,我国最低;在CNKI 中国航空院校的发文量最大,Web of Science 上前十发文机构我国和美国占据九席;在CNKI 以航空航天科学与工程的发文量最高 (44%),在Web of Science 工程学的文章数量占比最大(55%);遥感、测绘、无人机在农业 上的应用和四旋翼无人机在两大平台上均是目前的研究热点,且国内对固定翼无人机和无人 直升机的研究较少。【结论】各国对无人机的研究日益增加,主要以我国和美国为主。我国 应紧跟国际研究热点,继续加大无人机研究深度,特别是固定翼无人机和无人直升机,巩固 我国无人机行业在国际上的地位。
关键词:  无人机  文献计量学  CNKI  Web of Science
基金项目:国家重点研发计划((2018YFD1000906);广东省重点领域研发计划项目(2019B020214003);广东省花生 大豆产业技术体系创新团队(2019KJ136-05)
Bibliometrics research of UAV based on CNKI and Web of Science
Zhu Yueping, Liu Shiyuan, Chen Tingting, Zeng Ruier, Wang Xinyue, Wang Leidi, Qi Haixia, Lan Yubin, Zhang Lei※
College of Agriculture,South China Agricultural University,Guangdong Guangzhou 510642,China
[Purpose]We conducted the research about the recent development of UAV through the method of bibliometrics.[Method]Based on the software of CiteSpace literature analysis,the bibliometric analysis of the amount of UAV-related literature,national distribution,citations, publishing organizations,research directions,research hotspots,and UAV models based on the two major database platforms of China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)and Web of Science were conducted.[Result]The change trend of the published article related UAV literatures were similar in both CNKI and Web of Science. China and the U.S. account for the largest proportion of the total publications in the Web of Science. However,the average citations of the published article in Spain,Australia,France,Germany,the United Kingdom and the United States were higher than the average value,and the lowest citation value was found in China. Chinese aviation academies have published the largest articles in CNKI,and China and the United States occupy nine seats among the top ten publishing organizations in the Web of Science. For the research direction,the article related aerospace science and engineering accounting for 44 percent in CNKI,but the article related engineering accounting for 55 percent in the Web of Science. Remote sensing,surveying and mapping,the application of UAVs in agriculture, and quadrotor UAVs are the current research hotspots on the two platforms,however,less research was conducted on the fixed-wing drones and unmanned helicopters in China. [Conclusion]Research on UAV has risen rapidly at home and abroad,and mainly distributed in China and the United States. China should keep up with international research hotspots and continue to increase the depth of UAV research, especially in fixed-wing UAV and unmanned helicopters,and consolidate China’s international position in the UAV industry.
Key words:  UAV  bibliometrics  CNKI  Web of Science