引用本文:程 涛,荆 珮,沈 超,张 漫,李民赞※.温室传感器技术的研究进展与应用展望[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(3):1-13
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程 涛, 荆 珮, 沈 超, 张 漫, 李民赞※
中国农业大学现代精细农业系统集成研究教育部重点实验室,北京 100083
【目的】智能温室是设施农业未来的发展趋势,传感技术和物联网技术是智能温室的 基础,分析温室传感器技术的研究进展与应用展望很有意义。【方法】温室传感器根据应用 领域可划分为环境因素传感器和植物体信息传感器,从传感器的精度、特点、适用范围、发 展趋势等方面对两类传感器进行了分析。【结果】环境因素传感器包括光照传感器、空气温 湿度传感器、CO 2 传感器和土壤相关的传感器,植物体信息传感器包括植物温度传感器、植 物水分传感器和植物营养元素传感器。光照传感器以硅光电池使用最广,空气温度传感器中 最具应用前景之一的是半导体 PN 结型温度传感器,空气湿度传感器中的电阻式、电容式感 湿材料都有应用,CO 2 传感器以红外线应用原理为主。在土壤和植物体信息传感器中,光谱 学扮演着越来越重要的角色。【结论】未来温室专用传感器领域会进一步细分,土壤和植物 体信息传感器继续成为未来的研究热点。温室传感器总体上会朝着体积更小、精度更高、非 接触式、实时检测的方向不断发展,传感器的信息融合趋势会愈加明显。传感器和物联网技 术在智能温室发展中将会发挥越来越重要的作用。
关键词:  温室  物联网  传感器  环境因素  植物体信息
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (31971786),云南省院士专家工作站项目(2018IC143)
Research progress and application prospects of greenhouse sensortechnology
Cheng Tao, Jing Pei, Shen Chao, Zhang Man, Li Minzan ※
Key Laboratory on Modern Precision Agriculture System Integration Research,Ministry of Education,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100083,China
[Purpose]Smart greenhouse is the future development trend of facility agriculture,and sensing technology and Internet of Things technology are the foundation of smart greenhouse. It is significant to analyze the research progress and application prospect of greenhouse sensor technology.[Method]Greenhouse sensors can be divided into environmental factor sensors and plant body information sensors according to their application fields. The two types of sensors are analyzed from the aspects of accuracy,characteristics,application scope and development trend. [Result]Environmental factor sensors include light sensors,air temperature and humidity sensors,CO 2 sensors,and soil-related sensors. Plant body information sensors include plant temperature sensors,plant moisture sensors,and plant nutrient element sensors. The light sensor is most widely used with silicon photovoltaic cells. Among the air temperature sensors,one of the most promising applications is the semiconductor PN junction temperature sensor. Both resistive and capacitive materials are used in the humidity sensitive materials of the air humidity sensor. CO 2 sensors are mainly infrared sensors. In soil and plant information sensors,spectroscopy plays an increasingly important role. [Conclusion]In the future,the field of special sensors for greenhouses will be further subdivided,and soil and plant information sensors will continue to become a research hotspot. Greenhouse sensors will generally continue to develop in the direction of smaller size,higher accuracy,non-contact,and real-time detection,and the trend of sensor information fusion will become more obvious. Sensors and IoT technologies will play an increasingly important role in the development of smart greenhouses.
Key words:  greenhouse  internet of things  sensors  environmental factors  plant information