引用本文:娄昭君,汤昪,陈艳红,于 婧 ※.农业绿色发展先行区乡村功能空间特征及发展对策研究[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(4):1-14
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娄昭君, 汤昪, 陈艳红, 于 婧 ※
【目的】结合我国农业绿色发展先行区发展目标,加快推进农业农村建设,明确乡村 的功能与定位,是实现乡村振兴的重要途径。【方法】文章以十堰市郧阳区为研究对象构建 乡村功能综合评价指标体系与评价模型,运用 GIS 和 NRCA 模型,分析乡村地域多功能的 空间格局特征,识别各乡镇主导功能类型,并进行功能分区。【结果】(1)郧阳区农业绿色 发展先行区建设成绩显著,其乡村功能具有显著的空间分异特征,人居保障功能以城关镇和 茶店镇为强核心向外辐射并逐渐减弱;生产发展功能高值区主要集中在城关镇、茶店镇和杨 溪铺镇,总体呈现中部强西部弱的空间特征;生态保育功能呈现出以茶店镇为弱核心向外 增强的空间分布特征;文旅休闲功能呈中北部高,东西两翼低的空间分布格局特征。(2)基 于标准显示性比较优势指数和分类维度乡村功能指数,将研究区划分为人居保障—生产发 展区、人居保障—生态保育区、生产发展—文旅休闲区、生产发展—生态保育区、生态保 育—文旅休闲区及综合发展区等 6 种功能类型区,并对每种区域的可持续发展提出了建议。 【结论】针对不同功能分区提出相应的发展策略,可为乡村空间结构优化调整、乡村振兴提 供参考,加快实现地区的农业绿色发展区的目标。
关键词:  农业绿色发展先行区  乡村功能  NRCA 模型  镇域尺度  郧阳区
Research on the spatial features and development countermeasures of rural function in the leadingarea of agricultural green development
Lou Zhaojun, Tang Bian, Chen Yanhong, Yu Jing※
College of Resources and Environment,Hubei University,Wuhan 430062,China
[Purpose] It is an important way to realize the revitalization of rural areas to accelerate the construction of agricultural and rural areas and clarify the functions and positioning of rural areas in combination with the development goals of China’s agricultural green development pilot areas. [Method] Taking Yunyang district of Shiyan city as the research object,this paper constructs the comprehensive evaluation index system and evaluation model of rural function. They used GIS and NRCA model to analyze the spatial pattern characteristics of rural regional multi-function, identify the dominant function types of each township,and carry out functional zones. [Result] (1)Yunyang has made remarkable achievements in the construction of the leading area of agricultural green development. Its rural function has significant spatial differentiation characteristics. The function of human settlement security is strong in Chengguan town and Chadian Town,radiating outward and gradually weakening. The high value areas are mainly concentrated in Chengguan Town,Chadian town and Yangxipu Town which shows the spatial characteristics that the central region is stronger than the western region is weaker. (2) Based on the standard revealing comparative advantage index and the classification dimension rural function index, the study area is divided into six functional zones,which are security-production development zone,human settlements-ecological conservation zone,production development-cultural tourism leisure zone,production development-ecological conservation zone,ecological conservation-cultural tourism leisure zone and comprehensive development zone. What’s more,they put forward some suggestions for the sustainable development of each region. [Conclusion] The relevant development strategies are put forward for different functional areas,which could be regarded as the reference of the optimization and adjustment of rural spatial structure and rural revitalization,developing the targets of agricultural green development zone.
Key words:  agricultural green development pioneer area  rural function  NRCA model  township scale  Yunyang district