引用本文:余永久,顾晶晶 ※,王立泽.农机可视化调度系统的设计与应用[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(4):23-31
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余永久1, 顾晶晶 ※1, 王立泽2
1.苏州京卓智信息科技有限公司,江苏苏州 215000;2.江苏海洋大学海洋技术与测绘学院,连云港 222000
【目的】以智能农机装备、物联网感知设备为基础,通过信息化手段,构建农机可 视化调度系统,对农机作业全过程进行监控,实现对农机作业信息的实时动态监测及远程 可视化调度管控,有助于科学合理调度农机,提高农机作业效率、节约成本投入,同时能 够精确核算作业面积为农机补贴发放提供依据。【方法】文章设计开发了基于 GIS 的农机可 视化调度系统。通过在农机上安装 GPS 定位设备和深度传感设备、智能调度屏终端,实现 农机实时位置信息的监测及可视化调度等。在系统设计方面,系统采用 B/S 架构,以 .net core3.1 语言作为系统开发语言进行开发设计。在数据库管理方面,地理属性数据库以及 空间数据库使用 PostgreSQL 数据库管理系统,WebGIS 前端采用 ArcGIS for Javascript4.15。 【结果 / 结论】采用 GIS 技术,构建农机可视化调度系统,实现农机作业的数字化管理、科 学化调度和可视化展示,推动农机作业效率的快速提升,为提高农机作业质量提供技术支 撑,推进农机产业向智能化、现代化发展。该系统在农机作业效率和合格率分析、农机作业 任务优化、调度农机、松土面积核算等方面具有较大优势。
关键词:  GIS  可视化  农机  调度系统
The design and implementation of intelligent agriculturalmachinery visualization and scheduling system
Yu Yongjiu1, Gu Jingjing※1, Wang Lize2
1.Suzhou Jingzhuozhi Information Technology Co.,Ltd. Jiangsu Suzhou 215000,China;2.Jiangsu Ocean University,Lianyungang 222000,China
[Purpose]Based on intelligent agricultural machinery equipment and Internet of Things sensing equipment,through information technology,a visual scheduling system for agricultural machinery is constructed to monitor the entire process of agricultural machinery operations,and realize real-time dynamic monitoring of agricultural machinery operation information and remote visual scheduling management and control It is helpful to scientifically and rationally dispatch agricultural machinery,improve the efficiency of agricultural machinery operation,save cost investment,and at the same time accurately calculate the operating area to provide a basis for agricultural machinery subsidies. [Method]The article designed and developed a GIS-based agricultural machinery visual scheduling system. By installing GPS positioning equipment,depth sensing equipment,and intelligent dispatching screen terminals on agricultural machinery,real-time monitoring of agricultural machinery location information and visual dispatching are realized. In terms of system design,the system adopts B/S architecture and uses. net core3.1 language as the system development language for development and design. In terms of database management,geographic attribute database and spatial database use PostgreSQL database management system,and the front end of WebGIS uses ArcGIS for Javascript 4.15. [Result/Conclusion]Use GIS technology to build a visual scheduling system for agricultural machinery,realize digital management,scientific scheduling and visual display of agricultural machinery operations,promote the rapid improvement of agricultural machinery operation efficiency, provide technical support for improving the quality of agricultural machinery operations,and promote the agricultural machinery industry. Intelligent and modern development. The system has great advantages in agricultural machinery operation efficiency and qualification rate analysis,agricultural machinery task optimization,agricultural machinery scheduling,and soil loosening area accounting.
Key words:  GIS  visualization  farm machine  scheduling system