引用本文:宋茜,杨 鹏,钱建平,史 云,张保辉,余强毅,段玉林,吴文斌※.农业绿色发展数字技术体系内涵及其架构探讨[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(5):38-48
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宋茜, 杨 鹏, 钱建平, 史 云, 张保辉, 余强毅, 段玉林, 吴文斌※
中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所/ 农业农村部农业遥感重点实验室,北京100081
【目的】农业绿色发展是农业发展观的一场深刻革命,构建农业绿色发展数字技术体 系,是破解农业资源效率低、环境问题突出、数字技术标准缺乏、劳动力紧缺、产业国际竞 争力弱等重大瓶颈问题,实现传统产业向高质量发展转型的紧迫需求。【方法】文章系统总 结了农业绿色化与数字化的发展历程,从内涵、对象和技术三方面厘清了绿色农业、数字农 业和农业绿色发展概念的异同,提出了农业绿色发展数字技术体系架构。【结果】农业绿色 发展数字技术体系以“数字化”和“绿色化”的深度融合为基本思路,通过智能监控、数据 采集、远程传输、智能分析和自动控制,实现农业绿色生产、加工、销售及流通等全环节和 全链条的数字化,形成广泛互联、智能互动、灵活柔性、安全可控的数字结构和功能。【结 论】筑牢农业绿色发展的基础性数据支撑、夯实农业绿色发展的数字基础建设、研发农业绿 色发展的关键技术和核心装备、拓展农业绿色发展数字技术典型应用场景、完善农业绿色发 展数字技术的保障体系是“绿水青山就是金山银山”实现路径。农业绿色发展与数字技术的 深度融合是实现农业绿色高质量发展的必然要求。
关键词:  绿色农业  数字技术  系统架构  重点任务
基金项目:中国农业科学院国际农业科学计划项目“智慧农业农田参数获取技术与核心装备研发”(CAASZDRW202107); 四川省科技计划项目“生猪智慧养殖关键技术集成研究与应用”(2020YFSY0051)
Prospect of connotation and structure for digital technology systemof green agriculture
Song Qian, Yang Peng, Qian Jianping, Shi Yun, Zhang Baohui, Yu Qiangyi, Duan Yulin, Wu Wenbin※
(Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing( AGRIRS),Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
[Purpose]Green agricultural is a profound revolution of the concept of agricultural development,which needs to change the innovation direction. Building a digital technology system for green agricultural development has become an urgent requirement for realizing the transformation of traditional industries to high-quality development in order to solve major bottleneck problems,such as low efficiency of agricultural resources,prominent environmental problems,lack of digital technology standards,labor shortage,weak international competitiveness of the industry,and so on.[Method]On the basis of summarizing the development process of digital technology for green agriculture,this paper scientifically defined the concepts of green agriculture,digital agriculture and digital technology system of green agricultural development,and deeply analyzed the similarities and differences from three aspects of connotation,object and technology,and puts forward the construction for digital technology system of green agricultural development.[Result]The digital technology system of green agriculture development of construction should be in accordance with the development ideas of industrial digitization and digital industrialization,by way of the intelligent monitoring,data acquisition,remote transmission,intelligent analysis and automatic control,make the chain flow from green agricultural production,processing,sales to logistics to formulate widely interconnected,intelligent interactive,flexible,safe and controllable digital main structure function.[Conclusion]The future development strategy of green agriculture should strengthen the basic data support and the digital infrastructure for the development of green agriculture, develop key technologies and core equipment for green agriculture,expand the typical application scenarios agricultural green development,and improve the guarantee system for the digital technology of green agricultural development. The deep integration of green agricultural and digital technology is the inevitable requirement of realizing green and high-quality development of agriculture.
Key words:  green agriculture  digital technology  system  the key task