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申格1, 余强毅1, 周清波2, 吴文斌※1
1.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所/ 农业农村部农业遥感重点实验室,北京 100081;2.中国农业科学院农业信息研究所,北京100081
【目的】科学认识复种、科学提升复种潜力对于“藏粮于地”战略实施、解决耕地 “要害”具有重大现实意义。【方法】文章基于农业土地系统视角,对耕地复种研究文献进行 系统梳理和归纳,科学发展复种内涵,并对耕地复种研究进展进行总结和评述。【结果】传 统复种定义只针对单一固定年份的研究,而复种系统可以描述多年不同种植方式和休耕策略 是如何结合的,是一种长期性、稳定性、周期性出现的耕地集约化利用方式,与现实种植制 度特征吻合。复种系统遥感制图、从复种系统角度宏观尺度上科学挖掘复种潜力并进行潜力 提升及综合效益评价,将是复种研究的重点方向和内容。【结论】复种系统研究将提供耕地 集约化评价的新视角,可服务于深入理解复种现状和科学挖掘复种潜力,为“藏粮于地”战 略落实、农业可持续发展提供依据和支持。
关键词:  复种  复种系统  复种潜力  耕地集约化  可持续
Review on research progress of multiple cropping system
Shen Ge1, Yu Qiangyi1, Zhou Qingbo2, Wu Wenbin※1
1.Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;2.Agricultural Information Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
[Purpose]Scientific understanding of multiple cropping and scientific improvement of multiple cropping potential are of great practical significance for the implementation of the food crop production strategy based on cropland management and technological application. [Method]Based on the perspective of agricultural land system,this paper systematically sorted out and summarized the research literature on multiple cropping practice,scientifically developed the connotation of multiple cropping,and summarized and reviewed the research progress on multiple cropping practice.[Result]The traditional definition of multiple cropping is only for a single fixed year,and the multiple cropping system is a long-lasting,stable and periodic intensive use of cropland,which can describe how different cropping practices and fallow strategies are combined over many years,and is consistent with the characteristics of practical cropping systems.Remote sensing mapping of multiple cropping system,scientific exploitation of multiple cropping potential from the perspective of multiple cropping system and evaluation of comprehensive benefit of potential improvement on macro scale will be the key content and direction of multiple cropping research.[Conclusion]The study of multiple cropping system will provide a new perspective for the evaluation of cropland intensification,which can serve for the in-depth understanding of the current situation of multiple cropping and the scientific exploitation of multiple cropping potential,and provide basis and support for the sustainable development of agriculture.
Key words:  multiple cropping  multiple cropping system  multiple cropping potential  cropland intensification  sustainable