引用本文:熊瑞东,程武学※,熊钰丹,狄 威,魏佳轩,王永祥,刘 轲,罗光荣.基于无人机的若尔盖高寒草地鼠害程度估算模型研究[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(6):32-45
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熊瑞东1, 程武学※1, 熊钰丹1, 狄 威1, 魏佳轩1, 王永祥1, 刘 轲2, 罗光荣3
1.四川师范大学地理与资源科学学院,成都610101;2.四川省农业科学院遥感应用研究所/ 农业农村部遥感应用 中心成都分中心,成都610066;3.四川省龙日种畜场,阿坝州藏族羌族自治州624401
【目的】无人机低空遥感能大范围且快速、便捷地动态监测鼠害分布。通过无人机所 提取的高原鼠兔鼠害信息,构建鼠害程度估算模型,探究无人机对草原鼠害快速监测和防 治的可行性。【方法】文章利用无人机低空航拍,获取若尔盖湿地自然保护区中主要存在的 高原鼠兔鼠害的高分辨率无人机正射影像和数字高程模型影像,并对其进行遥感监测,构 建鼠害程度估算模型来对其鼠害发生、发展状况进行探索。【结果】研究结果表明:(1)航 拍区高原鼠兔鼠害程度以轻度危害和中度危害为主,轻度及中度危害面积为90 703.8 m2,面 积占比达65.5%,极度危害占总面积的16%,危害面积为22 096.8 m2。(2)高原鼠兔鼠害程 度均呈半倒U 型曲线,在东西方向上趋势线从西往中间逐渐攀升,总体表明东部鼠害程度 比西部高;在南北方向上趋势线在中间偏南的位置达到最高,总体表明南部的鼠害程度高 于北部;在西北—东南方向与东北—西南方向上鼠害程度从样地中心地区向四周逐渐降低。 【结论】通过对高原鼠兔的鼠害程度估算模型进行分析后发现,高原鼠兔危害程度在样地北 部主要为轻度危害和重度危害,近似呈以东北和西北部极度危害区为核心的圈层结构并向外 扩散递减;极度危害区集中分布在样区的中部区域;在样区南部主要以中度和重度危害为 主,近似呈以西南和东北部两个极度危害为核心的带状结构,并向东北—西南方向延伸分布。
关键词:  鼠害程度  估算模型  遥感监测  高原鼠兔
基金项目:四川省应用基础研究项目“星机地协同的若尔盖草地鼠害遥感监测研究”(2017JY0155);四川省应用基础 研究项目“基于互联网+ 多阶段遥感反演的区域水稻参数逐田块监测技术研究”(2017JY0284);国家自然 科学基金项目“ 藏东南冻融水力侵蚀交错带砾石空间分布格局及对土壤侵蚀影响机制”(32060370)
Estimation model of rodent damage degree in Zoige alpinegrassland based on UAV
Xiong Ruidong1, Cheng Wuxue※1, Xiong Yudan1, Di Wei1, Wei Jiaxuan1, Wang Yongxiang1, Liu Ke2, Luo Guangrong3
1.School of geography and resources science,Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu 610101,China;2.Institute of remote sensing application,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Chengdu sub center of Remote Sensing Application Center, Ministry of agriculture and rural areas,Chengdu 610066,China;3.Sclr Breeding Farm,Sichuan Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of Aba Prefecture 624401,China
[Purpose]In recent years,the continuous occurrence of rodent damage in Zoige grassland has led to the increasingly serious contradiction between grass and livestock,which has seriously restricted the local animal husbandry economic development and ecological environment protection.[Method]In this paper,the UAV low altitude aerial photography was used to obtain the high-resolution UAV orthophoto images and digital elevation model( DEM) images of Ochotona rodent damage in Zoige Wetland Nature Reserve,and the remote sensing monitoring was carried out to construct the estimation model of rodent damage degree to explore the occurrence and development of rodent damage.[Result]The results showed that:(1) The rodent damage degree of plateau pika in aerial photography area was mainly mild and moderate,the area of mild and moderate damage was 90703.8 m2,accounting for 65.5%,the area of extreme damage was 16%,and the area of damage was 22096.8 m2.(2) In the east-west direction,the trend line gradually increased from west to middle,indicating that the degree of rodent damage in the East was higher than that in the West;in the north-south direction,the trend line reached the highest in the south of the middle,indicating that the degree of rodent damage in the South was higher than that in the north;in the northwest southeast direction and northeast southwest direction, the degree of rodent damage increased from the center of the sample plot The area decreased gradually.[Conclusion]Based on the analysis of the rodent damage degree estimation model of Ochotona,it was found that the damage degree of Ochotona was mainly mild and severe in the north of the sample plot,which was similar to the circle structure with the extreme damage areas in the northeast and northwest as the core,and spread gradually outward;the extreme damage areas were concentrated in the middle of the sample plot;In the south of the sample plot,it was mainly moderate and severe results showed that the damage was mainly in the southwest and the northeast,and extended to the northeast and southwest.
Key words:  rodent damage degree  estimation model  remote sensing monitoring  Ochotona