引用本文:蒋勇,吴凯妍※.农村电子商务现代化供给体系建设的协同机制与 路径分析[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(6):56-70
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农村电子商务现代化供给体系建设的协同机制与 路径分析
蒋勇, 吴凯妍※
华中农业大学公共管理学院,湖北 武汉430000
【目的】打破传统的的工作模式,建立多元、常态化协同治理机制,是构建农村电子 商务供应集成体系的有效手段。【方法】文章基于协同治理理论、电子商务理论将农村电子 商务划分为政府、企业、供应商、平台和其他因素5 个维度,通过构建协同治理影响因素理 论模型,以问卷调研数据为基础,运用结构方程模型等方法进行假设检验分析。【结果】政 府扶持、企业赞助、供应商支持、平台支撑等对协同治理环境的构建有显著影响,政府扶 持、企业赞助、供应商支持、平台支撑产生的协同关系对供给的可持续发展具有显著影响。 【结论】5 个维度形成的协同互动关系对农村电子商务供给集聚具有积极的正面效应。
关键词:  协同治理  农村电子商务  影响因素  结构方程模型
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2662019FW002);国家社会科学基金:面向群体智慧涌现的 在线研讨信息组织研究(17BQ064)
Research on the interaction mechanism of the principal part ofrural-commerce supply chain from the perspective of collaborativegovernance
Jiang Yong, Wu Kaiyan※
School of Public Administration,Huazhong Agricultural University,Hubei Wuhan 430000,Hubei,China
[Purpose]Breaking the work mode of performing their duties and establishing a diversified and normalized collaborative governance mechanism is an effective means to build an integrated system of rural e-commerce supply chain.[Method]Based on collaborative governance theory and e-commerce theory,this article divides rural e-commerce into five dimensions:government,enterprise,supplier,platform,and other factors. By constructing a theoretical model of the influencing factors of collaborative governance,using questionnaire survey data as the basis Methods such as structural equation modeling are used to conduct hypothesis testing and analysis.[Result]Government support,corporate sponsorship,supplier support,platform support,etc. have a significant impact on the construction of the collaborative governance environment,and government support,corporate sponsorship,supplier support, platform support,etc. have significant effects on the sustainable development of the brand in the collaborative relationship influences.[Conclusion]The cooperative interaction between five dimensions has positive effect on rural e-commerce supply agglomeration.
Key words:  collaborative governance  rural e-commerce  influencing factors  structural equation Model