引用本文:郑艳东,唐秀美 ※,贾宝全,刘 玉.平原造林对土地利用格局及生态系统服务价值的影响[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(4):15-22
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郑艳东1, 唐秀美 ※2, 贾宝全3,4, 刘 玉2
1.河北省国土整治中心,石家庄 050031;2.北京农业信息技术研究中心,北京 100097;3.中国林业科学研究院 林业研究所,北京 100091;4.国家林业局林木培育重点实验室,北京 100091
【目的】分析平原造林工程实施对区域土地利用格局及生态系统服务价值的影响。 【方法】文章选择京承高速公路北京段沿线 10 km 范围为研究样带,基于 TM 遥感影像提取 的土地利用数据和平原造林图斑数据,运用 GIS 和景观格局分析软件分析平原造林工程实施 对土地利用格局及生态系统服务价值的影响。【结果】(1)平原造林工程占用的主要是自然 质量较低的耕地,其次为林地和建设用地。平原造林工程实施前后,研究区土地用地结构 发生变化,主要表现为林地面积增加、其他用地面积减少。(2)平原造林对研究区景观格局 有一定影响。景观尺度上,景观分布变得破碎和分散,形状变得不规则,景观分布变得不均 匀;斑块类型尺度上,耕地、园地、草地、水域和水利设施用地、建设用地和未利用地的面 积减少,林地面积增加,各类斑块变得分散和破碎,形状规则度降低。(3)研究区土地利用 生态系统服务价值由造林前的 31.39 亿元提高到造林后的 31.86 亿元。【结论】平原造林工程 实施增加了研究区林地面积,提高了生态系统服务价值,但也加剧了区域景观的破碎性,降 低了区域景观多样性水平。研究结果可为后期新增林地的规划选址提供技术支持。
关键词:  平原造林  土地利用  生态系统服务价值  景观格局  京承高速
Impact of plain afforestation on land use patterns and ecosystemservice value
Zheng Yandong1, Tang Xiumei ※2, Jia Baoquan3,4, Liu Yu2
1.Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Center of Hebei Province,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050031,China;2.Beijing Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture,Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Beijing 100097, China;3.Research Institute of Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing 100091,China;4.Key Laboratory of Tree Breeding and Cultivation,State Forestry Administration,Beijing 100091,China
[Purpose]To analyze the impact of afforestation project on regional land use pattern and ecosystem service value in plain area. [Method]Based on the land use data extracted from TM remote sensing images and plain afforestation map spot data,the ecosystem service value and the land use pattern of the 10 km range along Beijing section of Jingcheng Expressway were quantitatively estimated by the impact of plain afforestation. [Result](1)Plain afforestation project mainly occupied the cultivated land with lower natural quality,followed by forest land and construction land. Before and after the plain afforestation project was implemented,the land use structure in the study area changed,which mainly showed that the area of forest land increased and the area of other land decreased. (2)Plain afforestation had a certain influence on the landscape pattern in the study area. On the landscape scale,the landscape distribution became broken and dispersed,the shape became irregular,and the landscape distribution becomes uneven. On the scale of patch type,the area of cultivated land,garden land,grassland,water area and water conservancy facilities land,construction land and unused land decreased,while the area of forest land increased,and all kinds of patches became scattered and broken,and the regularity of shape decreased. (3)The value of land use ecosystem services in the study area increased from 3.139 billion yuan before afforestation to 3.186 billion yuan after afforestation. [Conclusion]The afforestation project in plain area increased the forest land area and the ecosystem service value, but also aggravated the fragmentation of regional landscape,and reduced the landscape diversity level in the region. The research results can provide technical support for the planning and site selection of new afforestation project in the later stage.
Key words:  plain afforestation  land use  ecosystem service value  landscape  Jingcheng expressway