引用本文:王小燕,黄 平※,张治会,刘卫东,蒋梓淳,柳 健,刘忠友.县域土地流转识别及其特征和影响因素研究[J].中国农业信息,2021,33(1):17-27
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王小燕1, 黄 平※2, 张治会3, 刘卫东4, 蒋梓淳5, 柳 健6, 刘忠友7
【目的】为探究四川省农村土地流转规律和特点,助力四川省乡村振兴。【方法】以 四川省绵阳市游仙区典型乡镇为研究对象,结合多源数据,运用地面调查和GIS 分析法, 分析四川省农村土地流转现状。【结果】研究区域土地流转呈现以下规律和特点:(1)流 转水田较多,旱地次之,水浇地最少;(2)按土地流转业主类型分,农业企业流转面积最 多,占总流转面积的49.4%,种植大户次之,家庭农场最少;(3)按流转土地用途分,种粮 占流转总面积的45.5%,其次是水果种植,再次是中药材等特色种植;(4)土地流转与土 地的客观条件呈高度正相关。土地区位交通影响因子最大,流转规模在空间上离城区由近 及远依次递减;其次是水利和地形地貌条件,水利又成为主要因子,水利条件越好,土地 流转规模相对较大;从地形地貌看,除特色种养之外,流转规模从平坝到丘区、山区递减。 【结论】持续改善四川省丘区、山区乡村水利、交通等基础设施为首要条件,培育龙头企业、 种养大户等新型农业经营主体,实现适度规模特色种养,以保障国家粮食安全,助力乡村振 兴,加快四川省农业农村现代化建设。
关键词:  土地流转  RS  规模  特征  影响因素
Research on the characteristics and influencing factors of countyland transfer based on remote sensing and GIS technology
Wang Xiaoyan1, Hang Ping※2, Zhang Zhihui3, Liu Weidong4, Jang Zichun5, Liu Jian6, Liu Zhongyou7
1.Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Agriculture,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610066,China;2.Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Agriculture,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610067,China;3.Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Agriculture,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610068,China;4.Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Agriculture,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610069,China;5.Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Agriculture,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610070,China;6.Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Agriculture,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610071,China;7.Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Agriculture,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610072,China
[Purpose]To find out the law and characteristics of rural land transfer in Sichuan Province and promote rural revitalization in Sichuan Province.[Method]Combining multisource data,using ground survey and GIS analysis,we analyze the current transfer of rural land in Sichuan Province.[Result]The results show:(1)Paddy rice transfer more than other, followed by dryland and the least irrigated land.(2)According to the type of owners of transfer land,agricultural enterprises accounting for 49.4% of the total have the largest area,followed by large farmers and family farms.(3)According to the use of transfer land,grain cultivation accounted for 45.5% of the total,followed by the fruit cultivation,then the traditional Chinese medicine and other special cultivation.(4)It is a highly positive correlation between the transfer and the land conditions,the traffic location is the largest influencing factors of the transfer,the scale decreases by the distance from the urban area from near too far. The water conservancy and landform conditions secondly,and water conservancy becomes the main factor. The better the water conservancy conditions with the larger the land circulation scale. From the perspective of topography,the scale decline in turn from the flat ground to hilly and mountainous areas except the characteristic cultivation.[Conclusion]Therefore,it is the primary condition improving rural water conservancy,transportation and other infrastructure construction continuously in Sichuan,cultivating leading enterprises,large farmers and other new agricultural entities, taking appropriate scale characteristic farming,that is the way to ensure food security,boost rural revitalization,and accelerate the pace of agricultural and rural modernization in Sichuan.
Key words:  land transfer  RS  GIS  scale  characteristics  influencing factors