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中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所/农业农村部农业遥感重点实验室,北京 100081
目的 作为农作物长势监测、产量估测和灾害评估的基础,及时、准确获取农作物空间分布信息对农业生产管理、农业可持续发展及国家粮食安全等具有重要意义。方法 文章从农作物遥感制图的研究热点和前沿出发,基于Science Citation Index Expanded(SCIE)和CNKI数据库,利用VOSviewer软件对2011—2020年农作物遥感制图领域的年文献量、属地分布、合作关系、发文机构、热门期刊和研究热点进行知识图谱分析。结果 总体上,作物制图领域近10年来论文发表数量在不断增加,可大致分为缓慢增长(2011—2014年)、快速增长(2015—2018年)和持续稳步增长(2019—2020年)3个阶段。以中国和美国为代表的经济快速发展国家和地区普遍重视农作物遥感制图领域研究,发文量多、影响力大。世界各国之间的合作关系逐渐增多与密切,多方合作是未来的趋势。中国在作物制图领域的发文机构与发文数量较多,但论文被引频次稍逊于美国。从研究热点看,农作物分类对象仍然以主粮作物为主,分类方法从传统机器学习向深度学习发展。结论 农作物制图过去10年领域取得了长足的进展:发文总量总体提升迅速、国内外机构合作愈加紧密,多源数据协同、历史观测数据融合应用、分类算法的改进、特征组合的优化是未来农作物遥感制图研究的重要方向。
关键词:  农作物遥感制图  农业遥感  文献计量  知识图谱  VOSviewer
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“多云多雨区水稻熟制信息高精度提取方法”( 41801371);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项“东北农作物‘一张图’制图研究”(1610132021010);国家自然科学重点基金“基于多源异构大数据的玉米精准作业智能决策方法研究”(U19A2061)
Analysis of literature characteristics and hotspot evolution of crop remote sensing mapping research based on VOSviewer
Zhang Shibo, Zha Yan, Wen Caiyun, Shi Yun, Song Qian
Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
Purpose Many monitoring and evaluation rely on accurate and timely crop mapping,which is of great significance to production management,sustainable agricultural development and national food security. In recent ten years,remote sensing has become the main technical means of crop mapping.Method From the research hotspot and frontier of crop mapping,based on Science Citation Index Expanded(SCIE)and CNKI database,using the VOSviewe software to analyze the annual literature volume,territorial distribution,cooperative relations,publishing institutions,popular journals and research hotspots in the field of crop remote sensing mapping from 2011 to 2020.Result According to the number of documents issued in recent ten years,it can be roughly divided into three stages:slow growth period(2011-2014),rapid growth period(2015-2018),and sustained and steady growth period(2019-up to now). Countries and regions with rapid economic development represented by China and the United States generally pay attention to the research in the field of crop remote sensing mapping,with a large number of documents and great influence. The cooperative relations among countries in the world are gradually increasing and close,and multi-party cooperation is the trend in the future. In the field of crop mapping,China has a large number of publishing institutions and publications,but the citation frequency of papers is slightly lower than that of the United States. From the research hotspots,crop classification objects are still mainly staple crops,classification methods are developing from traditional machine learning to deep learning.Conclusion Great progress has been made in the field of crop mapping in the past decade:closer international cooperation,utilize collaboratively multi-source data,strengthen the integration of historical observation data application,improve classification algorithms,optimize feature combination are important direction of crop mapping in the future.
Key words:  crop remote sensing mapping  agricultural remote sensing  bibliometrics  knowledge graph VOSviewer