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1.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所北京100081;2.鞍山师范学院化学与生命科学学院 辽宁鞍山 114007
【目的】 水质监测是水生态管理的一个重要环节。近年来内陆地表水体污染问题严重,及时、准确地获取内陆地表水质信息,可为水污染防治政策的制定提供科学依据,对合理调节城市生产生活污水排放以及保障内陆水域生态安全具有重要意义。【方法】 文章系统总结了国内外近年来内陆地表水体水质遥感监测的研究现状,介绍了内陆地表水体水质遥感监测常用的指标及其选择依据,归纳了内陆地表水体遥感监测中各种模型或方法的使用情况,指出了现有内陆地表水体水质遥感监测研究存在的问题。【结果】 当前内陆地表水体水质遥感监测存在以下问题:①实测数据获取成本高,亟需建立大规模共享平台,提高数据利用率;②绝大多数研究中的多种遥感数据源各自独立处理,需要进一步研究多元数据融合;③主要模型在实际研究中对实测数据依赖性较高,需要进一步优化算法模型,提高普适性;④已有研究中研究区多数为大面积湖泊或河流,需要增强对高分辨率卫星遥感和无人机遥感数据的利用,对细微水体水质进行监测研究。【结论】 该文分析了现有内陆地表水体水质遥感监测研究存在的问题,并提出了未来的发展趋势,旨在为实现内陆地表水体水质高效准确监测提供借鉴和参考。
关键词:  内陆地表水体  水质  遥感  监测指标  叶绿素a浓度  悬浮物浓度
Advances in the inland surface water quality monitoring by remotely sensed imagery
Wang Xisen1, Wang Di1, Lei Qiuliang1, Wang Zhen2
1.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;2.School of Chemistry and Life Science,Anshan Normal University,Anshan Liaoning 114007,China
[Purpose] Water quality monitoring is an important part of water ecological management. In recent years,the problem of inland surface water pollution in China has become more and more serious. Timely and accurate acquisition of inland surface water quality information can provide scientific basis for the formulation of water pollution prevention and control policies,and is of great significance for the rational regulation of urban production and domestic sewage discharge and the protection of ecological security of inland waters.[Method] The research progress of remote sensing monitoring of inland Surface water quality is systematically summarized from the aspects of monitoring indicators,data sources,models or algorithms,accuracy and existing problems. The types and application range of remote sensing monitoring indicators for inland surface water quality were summarized. Methods used in remote sensing monitoring of inland surface water quality and their advantages and disadvantages were compared and analyzed. On this basis,the shortcomings of remote sensing monitoring of inland surface water quality are pointed out,and the future research directions are pointed out.[Result] Although inland surface water quality monitoring research has been developed for many years,the following deficiencies still exist:①The acquisition cost of measured data is high,so it is urgent to establish a large-scale sharing platform to improve data utilization rate. ②In most studies,multiple remote sensing data sources are processed independently,which requires further research on multivariate data fusion. ③The models or algorithms are highly dependent on the field data in the actual research,so the algorithm model needs to be further optimized to improve its universality. ④Most of the existing research areas are large lakes or rivers. It is necessary to enhance the use of high-resolution satellite remote sensing and UAV remote sensing data to monitor and study the water quality of fine water.[Conclusion] In this paper,the existing problems in remote sensing monitoring of inland surface water quality are pointed out and the future development trends are proposed. The purpose of this paper is to provide reference for efficient and accurate monitoring of inland surface water quality.
Key words:  inland surface water  water quality  remote sensing  monitoring indicators  chlorophyll A concentration  concentration of suspended matter