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1.湖南省烟草公司怀化市公司,怀化 418000;2.河南农业大学/烟草行业烟草栽培重点实验室,郑州 450002;3.湖南省烟草公司怀化市公司麻阳苗族自治县分公司,怀化 419400
【目的】 利用文献计量方法,为雪茄研究者跟踪研究前沿、把握研究方向提供理论参考,解析国内雪茄烟研究的发展和知识结构。【方法】 使用CiteSpace软件,基于CNKI数据库,对1953—2021年间雪茄烟研究的中文文献发文数量、研究力量、研究热点及其变化进行分析。【结果】 ①近年来国内关于雪茄烟的研究文献迅速增加。②研究力量分析中,河南农业大学烟草学院烟草栽培生理生化基地时向东团队在雪茄烟领域发文较多,且和其他机构合作较为密切。③栽培、调制和发酵技术是雪茄烟领域的研究热点。【结论】 雪茄烟栽培、调制、发酵以及其技术体系的研究仍是雪茄烟领域的重要方向,雪茄烟叶发酵过程中微生物的作用以及雪茄烟支的研究则可能成为未来的研究热点。
关键词:  雪茄烟  CiteSpace  知识图谱  文献计量
Domestic cigar research situation —— bibilometrics based on CNKI database
Wei Yue1, Xing Yunfei2, Liu Xudong3, Luo Xiaohong3, Qin Biao1
1.Huaihua Tobacco Company of Hunan Province,Huaihua 418000,China;2.Key Laboratory of Tobacco Cultivation in Tobacco Industry,Henan Agricultural University,Zhengzhou 450002,China;3.Mayang Miao Autonomous County Branch of Huaihua Tobacco Company of Hunan Province,Huaihua 419400,China
[Purpose] To provide theoretical reference for cigar researchers to track the research frontier and grasp the research direction,and to analyze the development and knowledge structure of cigar research in China.[Method] Based on CNKI database and CiteSpace software,this paper analyzed the number of Chinese literature published,research strength,research hotspot and change of cigar research from 1953 to 2021.[Result] (1) In recent years,the domestic research literature on cigar increases rapidly. (2) In the analysis of research strength,xiangdong’s team published many papers in the field of cigar research and cooperated closely with other institutions in the tobacco Cultivation Physiology and Biochemistry Base of Tobacco College of Henan Agricultural University. (3) The technology of cultivation,modulation and fermentation is the research hotspot in cigar field.[Conclusion] The study of cigar cultivation,preparation,fermentation and its technical system is still an important direction in the field of cigar,and the role of microorganism in cigar tobacco fermentation and the study of cigar stick may become the hot spot in the future.
Key words:  cigar  CiteSpace  knowledge mapping  bibliometrics