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1.农业农村部工程建设服务中心,北京 100081;2.贵州省农业区域经济发展中心,贵州 550001;3.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081
【目的】 国家现代农业产业园是新时期推动乡村产业振兴的重要载体,是促进城乡融合发展、加快农业农村现代化的重要平台,针对国家评选和认定的国家现代农业产业园,对其发展思路和建设过程进行深入研究和分析,为引领全国相关产业发展总结经验教训,具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。【方法】 文章通过系统梳理2017—2021年评定及认定的国家现代农业产业园建设情况,针对产业园的产业类型、空间分布及主导产业水平、资金投入的情况进行系统分析等,总结近年来创建取得的实际成效,深层次剖析了存在的主要问题,为进一步推动农业高质量发展提出了相关建议。【结果】 国家现代农业产业园建设成效显著,但仍存在地区分布不均衡、财政资金撬动能力不足、科技创新后劲不足、区域公共品牌有待提升等问题。【结论】 在今后的国家现代农业产业园创建和建设过程中,需要考虑区域差异促进均衡发展、加大政策扶持撬动社会资本、创造有利环境聚集各类人才、多措并举提升品牌价值,以更好推进国家现代农业产业园建设发展。
关键词:  现代农业产业园  建设成效  高质量发展  问题  对策
The present situation and enlightenment of the development of national modern agricultural industrial park
Tan Yaoyao1, Huang Yujie2, Feng Jianxue1, Zou Jinqiu3
1.Center of Engineering and Construction Service,MARA,Beijing 100081,China;2.Guizhou Agricultural Regional Economic Development Center,Guiyang 550001,China;3.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
[Purpose] The national modern agriculture industrial park is an important carrier of promoting the rural industry of the new era,it is to promote urban and rural integration development,speed up the agriculture modernization important platform,around the industrial park in the national modern agriculture strategy under the guidance of selective advantage industry,around the whole industrial chain link,the short board,promote the prosperity and gradually explore a suitable development path in the region,and for other areas to develop modern agriculture to provide replicable reference model.[Method] It is of great theoretical value and practical significance to conduct in-depth research and analysis on the development ideas and construction process of the national modern agricultural industrial parks selected and recognized by the state and to sum up experience and lessons for leading the development of relevant industries in China.The paper is a systematic evaluation and recognition of the country from 2017 to 2021,on the construction of modern agriculture industrial park for industrial parks industry types,spatial distribution and level of leading industry,capital investment of system analysis,etc.,to create the actual success achieved in recent years,deep analyze the main problems.To further promote the development of high-quality agriculture put forward relevant suggestions.[Result] The construction of a national modern agricultural industrial park has achieved remarkable results,but there are still some problems,such as unbalanced regional distribution,insufficient financial capital leverage ability,lack of technological innovation,and regional public brand to be improved.[Conclusion] In the future establishment and construction of national modern agricultural industrial parks,regional differences should be considered to promote balanced development,increase policy support to leverage social capital,create a favorable environment to gather all kinds of talents,and take multiple measures to enhance brand value,to better promote the construction and development of national modern agricultural industrial parks.Measures to improve brand value,to better promote the construction and development of the national modern agricultural industrial park.
Key words:  modern agricultural industrial park  construction effectiveness  high-quality development  problem  countermeasure