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【目的】 宅基地是保障农民安居乐业和农村社会稳定的重要基础。【方法】 文章以“数据获取-数据管理”为主线,梳理了农村宅基地基础信息调查的大数据关键技术,提出了数据驱动的数字技术体系总体架构。【结果】 从调查范围、调查类型和调查内容上,分析了农村宅基地基础信息调查的内涵,阐述了“空-地”一体的农村宅基地基础信息调查系统的构建体系,构建农村宅基地基础信息汇交平台的设计思路、建设原则和功能模块。【结论】 加强农村宅基地信息化基础条件建设、夯实农村宅基地基础性数据支撑、建立大数据标准体系、完善村宅基地基础信息管理制度、加强农村宅基地信息服务体系建设是推进农村宅基地信息化的重点任务。
关键词:  宅基地  信息化  基础信息调查  汇交平台
Research progress of digital technology system of rural house base basic information
Shi Yun, Zhang Baohui, Song Qian, Yu Qiangyi
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
[Purpose] Residential land is an important foundation to ensure farmers' comfortable living and social stability in rural areas.[Method] This paper compares the key technologies of big data for basic information survey of rural house bases with the main line of“data acquisition-data management”,and proposes the general architecture of data-driven digital technology system.[Result] On this basis,we analyze the connotation of basic information survey of rural house bases in terms of survey scope,survey type and survey content,and elaborate the construction system of“empty-land”integrated basic information survey system of rural house bases,as well as the design ideas,construction principles and functional modules for building the basic information exchange platform of rural house bases.[Conclusion] Strengthening the infrastructure of rural house base informatization,solidifying the basic data support of rural house base,establishing the big data standard system,improving the basic information management system of village house base and strengthening the construction of rural house base information service system are the key tasks to promote the informatization of rural house base.
Key words:  residential base  informatization  basic information survey  remittance platform