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1.河北平普科技有限公司,石家庄 050800;2.河北省农村合作经济总站,石家庄 050011;3.河北邢台市信都区农业农村局,邢台 054000;4.中国煤炭地质总局一二九勘探队,河北邯郸 056000;5.河北经贸大学公共管理学院,石家庄 050061
【目的】 利用无人机倾斜摄影技术,对农村宅基地进行影像采集,建立实景三维模型,为后续农村宅基地科学合理化管理平台的建立提供技术支撑。【方法】 文章以邢台市信都区为研究区,使用无人机倾斜摄影测量技术获取测区影像数据,通过大疆智图软件构建实景三维模型。【结果】 实景三维模型结果精度较高,误差均达到地籍测绘规范要求,并在此基础上建立了农村宅基地管理系统平台。【结论】 通过平台搭建,推动宅基地各项流程电子化管理,实现实景立体三维模型,为农村宅基地管理提供技术保障的同时还方便后续农村宅基地管理工作进行。
关键词:  无人机倾斜摄影  三维建模  农村宅基地管理
The application of UAV oblique photography 3D modeling technology in rural homestead management
Luan Degang1, Xi Yueping2, Wu Zhifang3, Zhang Qingwei4, Guo Xiaojing5
1.Hebei Pingpu Technology Co.,Ltd,ShiJiazhuang 050800,China;2.Hebei Rural Cooperative Economic Station,Shijiazhuang 050011,China;3.Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Xindu District,Xingtai City,Hebei Province,Xingtai 054000,China;4.No.129 Exploration Team of China General Administration of Coal Geology,Handan Hebei 056000,China;5.Hebei University of Economics and Business School of Public Administration,Shijiazhuang 050061,China
[Purpose] Using UAV oblique photography technology to collect images of rural homesteads and establish a three-dimensional model of the real scene to provide technical support for the subsequent establishment of a scientific and rational management platform for rural homesteads.[Method] This article takes Xindu District of Xingtai City as the research area,using the UAV oblique photogrammetry technology to obtain the image data of the survey area,and builds the real-world 3D model through the DJI Map software.[Result] The accuracy of the 3D model of the real scene is high,and the errors all meet the requirements of the cadastral surveying and mapping specifications. One this basis,a rural homestead management system platform is further established.[Conclusion] Through the construction of the platform,the electronic management of various processes of the homestead is promoted,and the three-dimensional three-dimensional model of the real scene is realized,which provides technical support for the management of rural homesteads and facilitates the subsequent management of rural homesteads.
Key words:  UAV oblique photography  3D modeling  rural homestead management