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1.浙江省象山县农业农村局,象山 315700;2.浙江臻善科技股份有限公司,杭州 310000;3.中国农业科学院农业信息研究所,北京 100081
【目的】 闲置宅基地的数字化平台,既是推进宅基地改革的重要目标,也是深化宅基地改革的工具保障。【方法】 利用云计算、大数据和物联网等信息技术整合资源优势搭建数据平台,将分散宅基地资源整合,放活宅基地使用权。在宅基地改革三权分置制度趋势下,文章从“人、资源和市场”三要素与闲置宅基地盘活之间的关系剖析入手,并结合象山闲置农房盘活的具体实践,对利用数字化赋能闲置宅基地盘活利用实践案例进行总结、剖析和归纳,最后提出相关建议。【结果】 通过数字化改革实现闲置宅基地数据打通和业务系统,实现农村“人、地、房”空间信息一体化、宅基地治理数字化、交易网络化以及服务高效化。【结论】 该研究以期在促进共同富裕背景下的全面推进乡村振兴工作中探索盘活利用农村土地市场的有效途径提供理论支撑,同时也为全国的农村宅基地数字化治理提供经验借鉴。
关键词:  数字化  闲置宅基地  闲置农房  盘活  农村土地市场
Digitalization will enable idle homestead and idle farm houses to be activated and reformed
Hu Weiwei1, Xia Hong2, Wang Yuting3, Liu Jiajia2, Sun Xiaoyu2, Jiao Qingdong2
1.Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Xiangshan County,Zhejiang Province,Xiangshan 315700,China;2.Zhe Jiang Shine Technology Co. Ltd,Hazhou 31000,China;3.Agricultural Information Institute of CAAS,Beijing 100081,China
[Purpose] The digitalization platform of idle homestead is not only the important goal of advancing homestead reform,but also the tool guarantee of deepening homestead reform.[Method] Data platform was built by integrating the advantages of information technology such as cloud computing,big data and Internet of things. Under the trend of the reform of the three-power system of housing land,the article starts with the analysis of the relationship between the three elements of“People,resources and market”and the revitalization of the idle housing land,and combines the concrete practice of the revitalization of the idle rural houses in Xiangshan,this paper sums up,analyzes and concludes the practical cases of utilizing the digital energy-enabled idle homestead,and finally puts forward some relevant suggestions.[Result] The practice shows that the idle homestead data and business system can be realized through the digital reform,realize the rural“Person,land,room”integration of spatial information,digital homestead management,transaction network and efficient services.[Conclusion] The purpose of this paper is to provide theoretical support for exploring effective ways to make full use of the rural land market in the overall promotion of rural revitalization in the context of promoting common prosperity,at the same time,it also provides the experience for the country’s rural homestead digitalization governance.
Key words:  digital  idle homestead  idle farm houses  the activation  rural land market