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河南省科学院地理研究所,郑州 450052
【目的】 通过研究定级单元划分方法,为耕地级别区域划分和基准地价水平测算的合理性奠定基础。【方法】 文章以洛宁县耕地为例,基于局委收集以及外业实地调查获取实地数据资料,运用GIS分析技术分别以地块法、网格法两种方法确定评价单元,采用多因素综合评价法建立定级因素因子体系,因素因子加权求和得到定级指数,采用级别面积比例分析、级别定级指数分析、级别重叠度分析以及级别纯收益分析四方面的内容验证两种方法对于级别区域划分的合理性。【结果】 (1)较地块法而言,网格法定级指数表现为最大最小值一致的情况下中间数值呈现左倾趋势;变异系数对比上,地块法较网格法更稳定。(2)级别空间分布上两种方法均呈现出以县城为中心向县域边缘逐级扩散的趋势;面积分布上两种方法划分的级别面积存在一定差异。(3)级别面积重叠度分析上,网格法高于地块法的级别面积比例为82.65%,说明按网格法划分级别的话,评价单元的级别普遍会高,表现在各级别重叠度上,两种方法在2级、3级地重叠度相差不大,在1级、4级地上重叠度相差较大。(4)级别定级指数与纯收益分析上,地块法与网格法的相关度R值分别为0.367和0.382,地块法、网格法的显著程度分别为0.05和0.01,两种方法的级别定级指数与土地的亩均纯收益均是相关的。【结论】 地块法与网格法级别划分的整体趋势一致,地块法较网格法来说更稳定,级别划分更合理。综上所述,两种方法在级别划分过程中各有优缺点,该结果的研究对于更好的划分耕地级别区域提供依据,并对完善耕地质量评价,促进城乡一体化健康发展可提供重要的参考价值。
关键词:  耕地质量  地块法  网格法  GIS  评价单元划分  洛宁县
Comparative study on determination methods of cultivated land quality evaluation unit based on GIS
Li Wei, Yang Jianbo, Wen Jinpan, Hou Ning
lnstitute of Geography,Henan Academy of Sciences,Zhengzhou 450052,China
[Purpose] To lay a foundation for the rationality of the classification of cultivated land and the calculation of benchmark land price by studying the classification method of grading units.[Method] The cultivated land in Luoning County was taken as an example,and the first-hand data were obtained through the bureau’s collection and field investigation. The GIS analysis technology was used to determine the evaluation unit by the plot method and the grid method,and the multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method was used to establish the grading factor system. The weighted sum of factors was used to obtain the grading index. Level area ratio analysis,level rating index analysis,level overlap analysis and level net income analysis are used to verify the rationality of the two methods.[Result] The research shows four results,to begin with,compared with the plot method,the median value of the grid legal index showed a left-leaning trend when the maximum and minimum values were consistent;In terms of variation coefficient,the block method is more stable than the grid method. Then,the spatial distribution of the two methods showed a trend of spreading from the center to the edge of the county;There are some differences in the area distribution between the two methods. furthermore,the level of area of overlapping degree analysis,the level of grid method above plot method area ratio was 82.65%,the instruction method according to the grid division level,evaluation unit high common level,performance on the don’t overlap degrees at all levels,two methods to overlap degree at level 2,3 were similar,overlapping degree at level 1,4,the ground is large;fourthly,in terms of grading index and net income analysis,the correlation R value of plot method and grid method is 0.367 and 0.382 respectively,and the significance degree of plot method and grid method is 0.05 and 0.01 respectively. The two methods are correlated with the per mu net income of land.[Conclusion] The conclusion of this paper is that the overall trend of level division is the same between the plot method and the grid method,and the plot method is more stable and reasonable than the grid method. above all,two kinds of methods in the process of level division each have advantages and disadvantages,the results of research provide a basis for better division level of cultivated land,It can provide important reference value for improving cultivated land quality evaluation and promoting healthy development of urban-rural integration. The overall trend of level division is consistent between the plot method and the grid method,and the plot method is more stable than the grid method
Key words:  cultivated land quality  plot method  grid method  GIS  evaluation unit division  Luoning County