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【目的】 为证明垂起无人机免像控技术在无人农机路径规划中的应用前景。【方法】 文章采用自主研发的地面站系统及飞控软件进行航规划,采用垂起无人机自动进行航空摄影。同时,采用无人机高精度惯导和实时差分技术,在无像控点及免像控点的条件下自动生成高精度地面底图。【结果】 分析结果显示,该应用实验中的10处检测点,△X、△Y、△H分别取得了平均0.026,0.027和0.042的精度结果,10处检测点的精度均保持在0.05 m以下。同时验证了无人农机根据此航摄影像规划路径后的田间作业效果,无人插秧机可以较好的沿规划路径进行作业,作业路径规范、整齐。【结论】 该应用结果证明垂起无人机免像控技术的应用,完全能够满足无人农机作业需求,能够有效提升作业效率,降低人工成本,有着广阔的应用前景。
关键词:  垂起无人机  免像控  RTK  无人农机
Application of image-free control technology of VTOL UAV in path planning of unmanned agricultural machinery
Zhang Qiang1, Gao Rui2, Yu Guoqing1, Liu Lijiao1, Deng Qing1, Liang Anbao3
1.Beijing Xinwuhao Agricultural Technology Co.,LTD.Beijing 10093,China;2.Institutions of Electrical and Information,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin Heilongjiang 150030,China;3.The Second Geodetic Surveying Brigade,Ministry of Natural Resources,Harbin Heilongjiang 150025,China
[Purpose] To demonstrate the application prospect of droop UAV free image control technology in unmanned agricultural aircraft path planning.[Method] In this paper,after using the ground station system and flight control software developed independently by Northeast Agricultural University for aerial planning,aerial photography was automatically performed by a drooping UAV. Due to the incorporation of UAV high-precision inertial guidance and real-time differential technology,high-precision ground base maps are automatically generated under the conditions of no image control points and image control-free points.[Result] The analysis results show that the 10 detection points in this application experiment,△X,△Y and △H achieved the accuracy results of 0.026,0.027 and 0.042 on average,respectively,and the accuracy of the 10 detection points were kept below 0.05 m. The results also verified the field operation effect of the unmanned agricultural machine after planning the path based on this aerial photography. The unmanned rice trans-planter can operate along the planned path better,and the operation path is standardized and neat.[Conclusion] The application result proves that the application of dropping drone free image control technology can fully meet the demand of unmanned agricultural operation,which can effectively improve the operation efficiency and reduce the labor cost,and has a broad application prospect.
Key words:  VTOL UAV  image-free control  RTK  unmanned agricultural machinery