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1.新疆农业大学/公共管理学院,乌鲁木齐 830052;2.农业农村局,新疆伊宁 835012;3.农业农村部/大数据发展中心,北京 100020
【目的】 新疆伊宁市具有典型的自然条件,同时社会经济结构多样,各乡镇距离与伊宁市市区较近,研究宅基地有偿使用的影响因素极具可复制性和代表性,探析农户分化与农村公共服务设施建设供给对农户宅基地有偿使用意愿的影响因素,对深化伊宁市及不同区域宅基地制度改革和完善农村公共服务设施建设,规范农村土地管理、提高农户收入、促进乡村振兴等具有重要理论价值和现实意义。【方法】 基于农户视角下,文章通过对伊宁市各乡镇村实地抽样调查方式,构建农村公共服务设施指标体系,并通过熵权法测算农村公共服务设施指数;同时建立二元Logistics模型,运用实证检验来分析农村公共服务设施与农户分化对宅基地有偿使用意愿的影响。【结果】 农村公共服务设施越完善,农户宅基地有偿使用概率越大,且公共服务设施实证检验中医疗设施、交通设施、生产与生活设施对农户宅基地有偿使用意愿影响显著,而教育设施影响不显著;农户分化程度的大小,具有对农村公共服务设施影响农户宅基地有偿使用意愿起到调节作用,且农户分化程度越大越能促进农村宅基地生产经营规模多效利用,从而增强农村公共服务设施对农户宅基地有偿使用意愿的正向影响。【结论】 为促进宅基地制度改革和乡村振兴,集约节约使用农村土地,盘活利用宅基地,应该因地制宜,以经济手段与行政手段为主,法律手段为辅,加强公共服务设施建设和拓宽农户就业创业渠道,提升宅基地地价和价值辐射,提高农户宅基地有偿使用的意愿;并针对不同类型农户实施差别化宅基地有偿使用调控政策,防止宅基地违建和规范使用。
关键词:  农户分化  公共服务设施  农村宅基地  有偿使用
A study on the influence of the differentiation of farmers and public service facilities on the willingness to use the homestead with compensation:based on the investigation of the reform pilot in Yining City
ShaYahati BuLale1, Shao Zhanlin1, Ma Hui2, Li Xiangdong3
1.School of public administration,,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi,Xinjiang 830052,China;2.Agricultural and rural Bureau,Yining,Xinjiang 835012,China;3.Big data development center of the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas,Beijing 100020,China
[Purpose] Yining City,Xinjiang has typical natural conditions,and at the same time,the social and economic structure is diverse,and the geographical distance of each township is similar to that of Yining City. The research on the factors affecting the paid use of homesteads is very reproducible and representative,and the differentiation of farmers is analyzed. The factors affecting farmers' willingness to use their homesteads with the construction and supply of rural public service facilities have important theoretical value in deepening the reform of homestead systems in different regions,improving the construction of rural public service facilities,regulating rural land,increasing farmers' income,and promoting rural revitalization. and realistic meaning.[Method] Based on the perspective of farmers,the rural public service facility index system was constructed through field sampling surveys in various townships and villages in Yining City,and the index of rural public service facilities was calculated by the entropy weight method;at the same time,a binary logistic model was established,and empirical evidence Test to analyze the impact of rural public service facilities and farmers' differentiation on the willingness to use homestead for paid.[Result] The more perfect rural public service facilities are,the greater the probability of farmers' paid use of homesteads,and in the empirical test of public service facilities,medical facilities,transportation facilities,production and living facilities have a significant impact on farmers′ willingness to use paid homesteads,while educational facilities have a significant impact It is not significant;the degree of differentiation of farmers has a moderating effect on the effect of rural public service facilities on the willingness of farmers to use paid homesteads,and the greater the degree of differentiation of farmers,the scale of production and operation of multi-efficiency utilization of rural homesteads,thereby enhancing the impact of rural public service facilities on farmers' homes. The positive effect of the willingness to use the base for paid use.[Conclusion] In order to promote the reform of the homestead system and rural revitalization,intensively save rural land,and revitalize the use of homesteads;it is necessary to adapt measures to local conditions,under the guidance of economic and administrative means,supplemented by legal means,strengthen the construction of public service facilities and Broaden the employment and entrepreneurial channels of farmers,increase the land price and value radiation of homesteads,and increase the willingness of farmers to use their homesteads for compensation. Finally,different types of farmers will implement differentiated homestead paid use control policies to prevent illegal construction and regulation of homesteads.
Key words:  differentiation of farmers  public service facilities  rural homestead  compensated use