引用本文: | 胡浩轩,李强子,张思宸,沈云祺,刘洋,张源,王红岩,杜鑫.基于物理模型与查找表策略的南繁水稻叶片叶绿素含量反演研究[J].中国农业信息,2023,35(3):46-57 |
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基于物理模型与查找表策略的南繁水稻叶片叶绿素含量反演研究 |
1.中国科学院空天信息创新研究院,北京 100094;2.中国科学院大学,北京 101408;3.黑龙江大学,哈尔滨 150080
摘要: |
[目的] 利用海南省中南部5市县采集的南繁水稻光谱、叶绿素等数据,研究物理模型与查找表策略对南繁水稻叶片叶绿素的反演,并对不同查找表进行比较分析。[方法] 文章先根据研究区调查与文献调研,利用辐射传输模型PROSAIL-PRO模拟2万条冠层光谱,分别构建波长400~1 000 nm区间的全波段查找表和双植被指数(Vegetation Index,VI)查找表,并使用实测的南繁水稻冠层光谱与叶绿素含量进行验证。其中,双VI查找表包括TCARI-OSAVI查找表、比值型植被指数(Ratio Vegetation Index,RVI)查找表和红边相对指数(Red Edge Relative Indices,RERI)查找表3种。[结果] (1)传统的全波段查找表反演叶片叶绿素含量的精度较差,R值为0.46,均方根误差(Root Mean Squared Error,RMSE)为8.84 μg/cm2,正规化均方根误差(Normalized Root Mean Squared Error,NRMSE)为 0.32。(2)双VI查找表反演结果较传统查找表更好,TCARI-OSAVI查找表的R值为0.55,RMSE为8.16 μg/cm2,NRMSE为0.29;RVI查找表的R值为0.70,RMSE为8.80 μg/cm2,NRMSE为0.32;RERI查找表的R值0.63,RMSE为10.53 μg/cm2,NRMSE为 0.38;其中TCARI-OSAVI查找表反演效果最好,RVI查找表与RERI查找表的反演都存在高估的现象;与前人关于冬小麦的叶片叶绿素反演研究相比,双VI查找表在南繁水稻的叶片叶绿素反演方面的NRMSE相对更高,尽管如此,与其他水稻叶绿素反演的研究相比,该文所用方法具有更高的可靠性与可迁移性。[结论] 双VI查找表相对于传统查找表具有一定的优势,在南繁水稻叶片叶绿素含量反演方面具备应用的潜能,然而该方法仍有一定的改进空间。 |
关键词: 南繁水稻 叶片叶绿素含量 PROSAIL-PRO 查找表 植被指数 |
DOI:10.12105/j.issn.1672-0423.20230304 |
分类号: |
基金项目:海南省重点研发计划项目“基于空天地一体化的精准南繁作物科研育种创新服务模式与技术研究”(ZDYF2021XDNY152);高分辨率对地观测系统重大专项(民用部分)科研项目“全球粮食供需安全形势评估”(00-Y30B01-9001-22/23-CY-10) |
Retrieval of leaf chlorophyll content in southern breeding rice leaves based on physical model and look-up table strategy |
Hu Haoxuan1,2, Li Qiangzi1,2, Zhang Sichen1,2, Shen Yunqi1,2, LiuYang1,3, Zhang Yuan1,2, Wang Hongyan1,2, Du Xin1,2
1.Aerospace Information Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100094,China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 101408,China;3.Heilongjiang University,Harbin 150080,China
Abstract: |
[Purpose] Using the in-situ data collected from 5 cities/counties in south-central Hainan Province,a physical model and look-up table(LUT)strategy are developed to invert the leaf chlorophyll content(LCC)of rice in southern breeding base and a comparative analysis of LUTs among different species is conducted.[Method] According to the study area survey and literature review,20 000 canopy spectra were simulated by the radiative transfer model PROSAIL-PRO. Full-band LUT and dual-Vegetation Index(VI)LUTs were constructed in the wavelength range from 400-1000 nm respectively,and were validated using in-situ canopy spectra and leaf chlorophyll content of southern breeding rice. The dual-VI LUTs included 3 types:TCARI-OSAVI LUT,Ratio Vegetation Index(RVI)LUT,and Red Edge Relative Indicators(RERI)LUT.[Result] The results showed that the LCC inversion using the traditional full-band LUT was relatively poor,with an R value of 0.46 and a Root Mean Squared Error(RMSE)of 8.84 μg/cm2,Normalized Root Mean Square Error(NRMSE)was 0.32. The dual-VI LUTs performed better than the traditional LUT. The R value of the TCARI-OSAVI was 0.55,and the RMSE was 8.16 μg/cm2,NRMSE was 0.29;The R value of the RVI LUT was 0.70,and the RMSE was 8.80 μg/cm2,NRMSE was 0.32;The R value of the RERI LUT was 0.63,and the RMSE was 10.53 μg/cm2,NRMSE was 0.38. Among which the TCARI-OSAVI LUT had the best inversion effect,and the inversions of both RVI LUT and RERI LUT were overestimated. Compared with previous studies on winter wheat LCC retrieval,the NRMSE of dual-VI-LUT-based LCC retrieval of southern breeding rice was relatively higher. However,this method had higher reliability and transferability compared with other studies on rice LCC retrieval.[Conclusion] This study demonstrate the advantages of the dual-VI LUTs over traditional LUTs and their potential in the LCC inversion of southern breeding rice,yet there is still room for improvement. |
Key words: southern breeding rice leaf chlorophyll content PROSAIL-PRO LUT vegetation index |