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【目的】 数字技术的引入为提高水产养殖生产效率、优化资源利用、改善管理模式提供了新的途径。文章深入探讨水产养殖数字技术在水产养殖领域的应用进展和发展趋势,旨在挖掘数字技术在水产养殖中的关键作用,以期为水产养殖可持续发展提供科学依据和战略指导。【方法】 采用文献整理和市场调查相结合的方法,对当前水产养殖中应用较多的数字技术进行了梳理,并针对养殖水质监测、水产品质量安全追溯、养殖作业自动化、病害远程诊断以及水产品网络交易等应用场景展开详细分析。【结果】 水产养殖中应用数字技术在提高生产效率、优化管理模式、保障产品质量和安全等方面拥有巨大潜力,但同时也面临基础条件不足、技术门槛和资金投入高、技术可靠性和实用性有待提高等诸多挑战。【结论】 在当前社会经济发展和人口快速增长的背景下,数字技术将成为水产养殖产业转型升级的关键驱动力。
关键词:  数字技术  水产养殖  应用进展  展望  人工智能
Progress and prospects of the application of digital technology in aquaculture production
Liang Chen1, Zhang Hua1, Zhou Zhigang2, Chen Nan3, Bao Yuanda1
1.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;2.Institute of Feed Research of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;3.Huang Gang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Huanggang 438000,Hubei,China
[Purpose] The introduction of digital technology provides a new pathway for enhancing production efficiency,optimizing resource utilization and improving management modes. This paper delves into the application progress and future development trends of digital technology in aquaculture,aiming to uncover the crucial role of digital technology in aquaculture and provide scientific basis and strategic guidance for its sustainable development.[Method] The paper adopted a combined approach of literature review and market survey to systematically analyze the application of digital technology in aquaculture,focusing on areas such as monitoring water quality,ensuring the safety and traceability of aquatic products,automating farming operations,remotely diagnosing diseases and facilitating online trading of aquatic products.[Results] The application of digital technology in aquaculture holded immense potential for improving production efficiency,optimizing management modes and ensuring product quality and safety. However,it also faced numerous challenges,including inadequate infrastructure,high technological barriers and investment costs,and the need to enhance technological reliability and practicality.[Conclusion] The results indicate that in the current context of socio-economic development and population growth,digital technology will be a key driving force for the transformation and upgrading of the aquaculture industry.
Key words:  digital technology  aquaculture  progress in application  outlook  artificial intelligence