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【目的】 深入研究北京市食用菌种业发展情况,推动北京食用菌种业高质量发展。【方法】 文章基于北京市食用菌生产企业和种植户的走访调研,梳理近几年食用菌种业的相关文献资料,对北京市食用菌种业的现状和问题进行深入剖析并提出创新性举措。【结果】 北京市食用菌菌种选育科研技术力量较强,在京津冀区域内菌种需求空间较大,但同时在生产环节菌种来源较多,整体处于小而散的状态。【结论】 基于“菌种创新工程”任务需求和北京食用菌种业发展实际情况,提出把食用菌菌种产业纳入现代种业发展的战略布局,明确以新品种研发选育为重点的产业定位,探索发展菌种保藏、鉴定及品种权交易等服务业,发挥首都示范效应,率先在菌种规范化发展方面做出模式的政策建议。
关键词:  食用菌  菌种管理  产业概况  发展趋势  政策建议
The status and trend of edible mushroom spawn industry in Beijing
Zhang Lin, Wang Xiaodong, Zhao Anping, Wang Zengfei, Yang Weijia
Beijing Digital Agriculture and Rural Promotion Center,Beijing 100083,China
[Purpose] To conduct in-depth research on the development of edible mushroom spawn industry and promote the high-quality development of edible mushroom spawn industry in Beijing.[Method] Based on the investigation of production enterprises and farmers of edible mushroom spawn industry,this paper reviewed relevant literature of edible mushroom spawn industry in recent years,made an in-depth analysis of the current situation and problems of edible mushroom spawn industry in Beijing,and proposed innovative measures.[Result] At present,Beijing had a strong scientific and technological strength in variety breeding. There was great demand for the spawn industry in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. At the same time,there were many sources in the production chain and it was in a small and scattered state on the whole.[Conclusion] Therefore,according to the task requirements of the"Spawn Industry Innovation Project"and the actual situation of Beijing's edible mushroom spawn industry,this paper provides several policy suggestions. First,incorporate the edible mushroom spawn industry into the strategic layout of modern seed industry development. Second,clarify the industrial orientation of focusing on the development and breeding of new varieties. Third,explore the development of service industries,such as storage,identification and property rights trading in spawn industry. Finally,play a demonstrative role and take the lead in establishing models for the standardized development of the spawn industry.
Key words:  edible mushroom  variety management  industry profile  development trend  policy suggestion