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1.浙江大学环境与资源学院,杭州 310058;2.浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院,杭州 310058
【目的】 介绍以计算流体动力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)为代表的计算机仿真技术被应用于设施农业环境控制的发展历程与研究现状,探讨CFD技术在温室环境控制与优化领域的发展前景。【方法】 文章综述国内外基于CFD技术的温室温度、光照、通风速率等环境因子的调控策略,给出目前相关应用研究中得出的主要结论与亟待解决的不足之处。【结果】 总结了CFD技术在不同建模维数、构造类型的温室场景下的研究成果与应用情况,点明了其在环境参数监测与调控中所具备的预测性、精密性、均匀性优点,探讨了其在环控领域的未来发展趋势。【结论】 CFD技术在温室环境控制中的研究已较为成熟,随着智能感知终端与物联网组网技术的迅速发展,研制基于设施作物生长模型的环境互作策略,构建多目标因子耦合调控的动态模型将成为CFD技术的未来应用重点,与人工智能等相关领域的融合发展将为温室内环境的长时序建模与预测性调控提供多元化数据支撑和决策依据。
关键词:  温室  CFD  环境控制系统  多目标优化算法  调控策略  未来展望
Analysis and prospect of research status on greenhouse environmental control methods based on CFD
Chen Yufei1, Nie Pengcheng2
1.College of Environment and Resources,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,Zhejiang,China;2.College of Biological Systems Engineering and Food Science,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,Zhejiang,China
Purpose To introduce the development process and research status of computer simulation technology represented by Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD)applied to facility agriculture environmental control,and indicate the development prospects of CFD in the field of greenhouse environmental control and optimization in the future.Method This paper summarized the control strategies of greenhouse temperature,light,ventilation rate and other environmental factors based on CFD technology at home and abroad,and provided the main conclusions obtained in relevant application papers at present.Result The research achievements and applications of CFD technology in greenhouse scenarios with different modeling dimensions and construction types were summarized,highlighting its predictive,precision and uniformity advantages in environmental parameter monitoring and regulation. At the same time,the future development trend in this field was discussed.Conclusion The research on CFD technology in greenhouse environment control has become relatively mature. With the rapid development of intelligent perception terminals and Internet of Things networking technology,developing environmental interaction strategies based on facility crop growth models and constructing dynamic models with multi-objective factor coupling regulation will become the future application focus of CFD technology. The integration and development with related fields such as artificial intelligence will provide multi-source data support and decision-making basis for long-term modeling and predictive regulation of greenhouse environment.
Key words:  greenhouse  CFD  environmental control system  multi objective optimization algorithm  regulatory strategy  future prospect