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1.江苏大学农业工程学院,镇江 212023;2.江苏省农业科学院农业信息研究所/农业农村部长三角 智慧农业技术重点实验室,南京 210044
【目的】 文章旨在介绍设施种植生产中环境监测与调控模型策略技术的研究与应用现状,分析我国在设施环境智能化调控领域面临的挑战,并提出相应的对策建议。【方法】 首先,系统介绍了国内外设施环境监测、调控方法和技术的研究进展与应用现状。其次,分析了当前在设施生产中环境调控存在的问题与挑战。最后提出相关对策建议以应对这些挑战。【结果】 我国设施农业发展迅速,环境调控技术和策略应用已取得显著的进展,实现了减少人工依赖、提高生产效率的目标。然而,在生产应用中仍面临调控目标单一、成本考虑缺乏、智能化水平不足等挑战。【结论】 为了进一步推动环境智能化调控技术在设施农业生产中的应用,实现设施农业生产高效化、标准化,提出以下建议:一是进一步推动环境调控模型策略技术革新,聚焦多环境因子耦合调控目标,同时实现作物生长与调控成本的平衡;二是加大设施农业基础建设投入,建设自主可控、稳定完善的环境调控系统及装备;三是加强政产学研用聚力协同,打通科研成果转化“最后一公里”。
关键词:  设施农业  环境监测  环境调控  多目标  能源消耗
Current status and challenges of research in facility environmental control technology
Wang Keru1,2, Ren Ni2, Jin Jing2, Mao Xiaojuan2, Liu Yang2
1.College of Agricultural Engineering,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212023,Jiangsu,China;2.Agricultural Information Institute,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Intelligent Agricultural Technology(Changjiang Delta),Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Nanjing 210044,Jiangsu,China
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to introduce the current status of research and application of environmental monitoring and regulation model strategy technology in facility agriculture,to analyze the challenges facing by China in the field of intelligent regulation of facility environment and to put forward corresponding countermeasure suggestions.Method First,the research progress and application status of facility environment monitoring,regulation methods and technologies at home and abroad were systematically introduced. Second,the current problems and challenges of environment regulation in facility production were analyzed. Finally,relevant countermeasure suggestions were put forward to cope with these challenges.Result Facility agriculture in China developed rapidly,and the application of environmental regulation technologies and strategies had made remarkable progress,achieved the goals of reducing artificial dependence and improving production efficiency. However,there were still real challenges such as single regulation target,lack of cost consideration and insufficient level of intelligence.Conclusion In order to further promote the application of environmentally intelligent control technology in facility agriculture production,and to achieve high efficiency and standardisation of facility agriculture production,this paper puts forward the following suggestions. First,further promote the technological innovation of environmental control model strategy,focusing on multi-environmental factor coupling control objectives,while achieving a balance between crop growth and control costs. Second,we should increase the investment in infrastructure of facility agriculture,and build independent,controllable,stable and perfect environmental control system and equipment. Third,we should strengthen the synergy of government,industry,academia,research and application,and open up the "last kilometre" for the transformation of scientific research results.
Key words:  facility agriculture  environmental monitoring  environmental control  multi-objective  energy consumption