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1.浙江省畜牧技术推广与种畜禽监测总站,杭州 310020;2.浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院, 杭州 310058;3.浙江大学环境与资源学院,杭州 310058
【目的】 通过介绍关于设施生猪养殖环境调控的研究成果,指明当前设施生猪养殖环境调控的研究现状,力求探寻未来设施猪舍环境调控的发展前景,实现猪舍环境更智能、更节能环保的环境控制和优化策略。【方法】 文章通过文献分析法,综述国内外近年来关于设施生猪养殖环境调控现状、方法和进展,比较不同方法的侧重点,探求更精准、更节能环保的猪舍环境调控策略。【结果】 从基于控制系统改良和物联网的猪舍环境调控、基于人工智能的猪舍环境调控和基于计算流体力学的猪舍环境调控三个方面总结了目前设施生猪养殖的研究现状,并指出其不同的优势和局限性。探讨了未来猪舍环境控制在面对不同需求场景时,应结合多种调控方法,耦合更多环境因子的发展趋势。【结论】 猪舍环境调控的研究和实际应用目前已较为成熟,未来与物联网、人工智能和CFD等多种先进技术的融合发展将会为实现更精准、更智能的猪舍环境智能调控提供坚实的数据支持和技术支持。
关键词:  生猪养殖  环境控制系统  调控策略  智慧农业
Research on the current situation and future prospect of environmental regulation of pigs in facilities
Yang Xiaoping1, Li Xuehan2, Nie Pengcheng2
1.Zhejiang Provincial Animal Husbandry Technology Extension and Breeding Livestock and Poultry Monitoring Station,Hangzhou 310020,Zhejiang,China;2.College of Biological Systems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,Zhejiang,China;3.College of Environment and Resources, Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,Zhejiang,China
Purpose By introducing the research results on the environmental regulation of facility pig farming,we point out the current research status of the environmental regulation in facility pig farming. Efforts are made to explore the development prospects of pig house environmental regulation,aiming to realize more intelligent,energy-saving and environmentally friendly strategies for the control and optimization of pig house environment.Method Through literature analysis,this paper reviewed the current situation,methods and progress of environmental regulation in facility pig breeding both domestically and internationally in recent years,compared the focal points of various methods and explored more precise,energy-efficient and environmentally friendly strategies for the environmental regulation of pig houses.Result The current research status of facility pig farming was summarized from three perspectives:pig house environmental control grounded in improvements to control systems and the Internet of Things,pig house environmental control based on artificial intelligence,and pig house environmental control utilizing computational fluid dynamics. Their distinct advantages and limitations were highlighted. The developmental trend towards integrating multiple control methods and the coupling of a wider range of environmental factors in future pig house environmental control in response to varied demand scenarios was discussed.Conclusion The integration and development of various advanced technologies,such as the Internet of Things,Artificial Intelligence and Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD),provide solid data support and technical backing for achieving more precise and intelligent regulation of the pig house environment. This ongoing advancement ensures that the application of these technologies in management of the conditions within pig houses is continuously optimized,offering greater accuracy and automation in environmental control.
Key words:  pig breeding  environmental control systems  governance policies  smart agriculture