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农业农村部信息中心,北京 100125
【目的】 以县域数字农业农村发展为着力点,结合余庆实际,探索建立余庆数字乡村平台,提升余庆数字乡村发展水平。【方法】 通过实地调研摸清需求和痛点,系统梳理形成余庆县数字乡村平台的建设思路和总体框架,整合各方数据资源,利用物联网、云计算、移动互联、3S等现代信息技术,建设了统一架构的软件平台。【结果】 建成的余庆数字乡村平台,包括乡村总览、数字茶业、数字党建、阳光村务、乡村台账、积分治理、民事直说等功能,服务于余庆数字乡村发展。【结论】 余庆数字乡村平台将成为推进余庆县数字乡村发展的重要支撑和平台保障。
关键词:  数字乡村  乡村产业  乡村治理  余庆县
The construction practice of Yuqing County's digital rural platform
Dong Chunyan
Information Center of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100125,China
Purpose Focuses on the development of county-level digital agriculture and rural areas,and combines with the actual situation of Yuqing to explore the establishment of a digital rural platform and improve the level of digital rural development in Yuqing.Method Through field research and identification of needs and pain points,the construction ideas and overall framework of the Yuqing County Digital Rural Platform were systematically sorted out and formed. Various data resources were integrated,and a unified software platform was constructed using modern information technologies such as the Internet of Things,cloud computing,mobile Internet and 3S.Result The completed Yuqing County Digital Rural Platform included functions such as rural overview,digital tea industry,digital party building,sunshine village affairs,rural ledger,point management and civil speaking,serving the development of Yuqing's digital rural areas.Conclusion The Yuqing County Digital Rural Platform will become an important support and platform guarantee for promoting the development of digital rural areas in Yuqing County.
Key words:  digital village  digital industry  digital governance  Yuqing County