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1.北方干旱半干旱耕地高效利用全国重点实验室/中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081;2.余姚市农业机械化技术推广中心,浙江余姚234399;3.农业农村部农田建设管理司,北京 100125;4.河北地质大学土地科学与空间规划学院,石家庄 055030
【目的】 农田细碎化一直是困扰我国农业现代化发展的重要难题,实现“小田变大田”是我国高标准农田建设和土地整治等工作的重要成果。明晰“小田变大田”的研究现状、掌握“小田变大田”的热点区域具有重要意义。【方法】 文章基于中国知网(CNKI)数据库以及我国主流媒体“央视网”检索的153篇研究报道,进行全国“小田变大田”热点区域分析。借助Excel工具对研究报道类型、逐年发表量、开展“小田变大田”的区域以及不同区域的发文量进行统计分析;借助ArcGIS软件的自然断点法将“小田变大田”区域分为高热度区、中热度区、低热度区和冷点区4个等级。【结果】 (1)“小田变大田”受到越来越多的关注。以“小田变大田”为主题的研究报道最早出现在2008年,2021年起“小田变大田”受到显著的关注。(2)“小田变大田”地域差异明显。其中关于安徽区域的研究报道最多,共计52篇,占比38.52%;其次是关于江苏区域的研究报道,共计18篇,占比13.33%。(3)“小田变大田”不同主体类型的报道角度存在差异。政府部门对“小田变大田”的关注点侧重于实施方式,主流媒体侧重于实施效果,科研人员则侧重于实施过程中存在的科学问题。【结论】 “小田变大田”是现阶段我国农村土地整改的新导向和新目标,国内研究者“小田变大田”的关注程度不断增加,未来可以进一步开展“小田变大田”变化监测相关研究。
关键词:  小田变大田  热点区域  研究趋势  可视化分析
Analysis of the hotspot regions of "merging small fields into large fields" based on literature
Liu Chunli1,4, Xie Haojun2, Zhang Shuai3, Shang Guobei4, Yu Qiangyi1, Li Huibin1
1.State Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Arid and Semi-arid Arable Land in Northern China/Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;2.Yuyao Agricultural Mechanization Technology Promotion Center,Yuyao234399,Zhejiang,China;3.Agricultural and Rural Development Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100125,China;4.School of Land Science and Spatial Planning,Hebei GEO University,Shijiazhuang 055030,Hebei,China
Purpose The fragmentation of farmland has always been a significant challenge hindering the modernization of agriculture in China. “Merging small fields into large fields”is an important achievement in the construction of high-standard farmland and land consolidation in our country. It is of great significance to clarify the current research status and identify the hotspots of“merging small fields into large fields”in China.Method This study conducted a nationwide analysis of these hotspots based on 153 research reports retrieved from the China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)database and the mainstream media "CCTV News". Using Excel,the study analyzed the types of research reports,annual publication volume,regions where the transformation from small to large fields was being implemented,and the number of publications in different regions. The study also used the natural breaks method in ArcGIS software to categorize the regions of the transformation from small to large fields into four levels:high-heat areas,medium-heat areas,low-heat areas,and cold spots.Result (1)"Merging small fields into large fields" had received increasing attention. The earliest research report with "merging small fields into large fields" as the theme appeared in 2008,and since 2021,"merging small fields into large fields" had received significant attention. (2)There were obvious regional differences in the implementation of "merging small fields into large fields". Among them,Anhui had the most research reports on this topic,with a total of 52 reports,accounting for 38. 52%. Jiangsu ranked second with 18 reports,accounting for 13.33%. (3)There were differences in the reporting angles among different subjects implementing "merging small fields into large fields". The government departments focused on implementation methods,while the mainstream media focused on implementation effects,and the researchers focused on scientific issues in the implementation process.Conclusion "Merging small fields into large fields" is currently a new direction and goal of rural land reform in China. The attention of domestic researchers to "merging small fields into large fields" is increasing,and future research on"merging small fields into large fields" change detection can be further conducted.
Key words:  merging small fields into large fields  hotspot region  research trends  visual analysis