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1.山西农业大学农业经济管理学院,晋中 030801;2.西南大学经济管理学院,重庆 400715
【目的】 基于互联网强国和农业现代化背景,探究互联网使用对农户土地流转的作用机制和影响效果,检验农户分化背景下互联网使用对农户土地转出的调节效应,为中国推进互联网普及更有效服务农户提供理论依据,助力建设农业现代化强国。【方法】 文章以CFPS2020数据为基础,分析互联网使用对农地流转的影响机制,通过logit模型实证了互联网使用对农户土地转出行为的影响,并进一步对其进行了稳健性检验,为验证互联网使用对农户土地转出的影响机理,探讨了农户分化背景下的调节效应。【结果】 (1)互联网使用显著正向影响农户土地转出,控制变量上农户年龄、身体健康程度等变量对农户土地流转也有不同影响,但是这种效应在东部以及西部地区的差别并不明显。(2)农户分化背景下,不同类型农户互联网使用对其土地流转影响不同,农户分化存在明显的调节效应。【结论】 未来应完善农村互联网基础设施,提高农村信息化程度;建立农地流转规范交易平台以及信息共享平台,提高农地信息可获取度;通过多种渠道,对农户进行有关培训以及宣传,提高农户对互联网的认可度以及使用率。
关键词:  互联网使用  农地流转  农户分化  logit模型  调节效应模型
Research on the impact of internet use on farmers' land transfer out in the context of agricultural modernization—Analysis of the regulatory effect based on farmers' differentiation
Wei Hao1, Cheng Zhu1, Zeng Chu1,2
1.College of Agricultural Economics and Management,Shanxi Agricultural University,Jinzhong 030801,Shanxi,China;2.College of Economics and Management,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China
Purpose Based on the background of internet power and agricultural modernization,this paper explores the mechanism and effect of internet use on farmers' land transfer,and tests the moderating effect of internet use on farmers' land transfer under the background of farmers' differentiation,so as to provide theoretical basis for China to promote the popularization of internet and serve farmers more effectively,and help to build a strong agricultural modernization country.Method Based on CFPS2020,this paper analyzed the influence mechanism of internet use on farm land transfer,and empirically analyzed the influence of internet use on farmers' land transfer behavior through the logit model,and further tested its robustness. In order to verify the influence mechanism of internet use on farmers' land transfer,this paper discussed the adjustment effect under the background of farmers' differentiation.Result (1)Internet use had a significant positive impact on farmers' land transfer,variables such as farmers' age and physical health had different effects on farmers' land transfer,but this effect was not obvious in the eastern and western regions. (2)Under the background of farmers' differentiation,different types of farmers' internet use had different effects on their land transfer,and farmers' differentiation had an obvious regulatory effect.Conclusion First,rural internet infrastructure should be improved to increase the degree of rural informatization. Second,a standardized trading platform for farmland transfer and an information sharing platform should be established to improve the availability of farmland information. Finally,farmers should be trained and educated through various channels to improve their recognition and utilization of the internet.
Key words:  internet use  agricultural land transfer  farm household differentiation  logit model  moderating effects model