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马瑜蔓1, 归晓谦2, 王淇锋1, 汪彩华2, 余强毅1, 吴文斌1, 陆苗1, 宋茜1
关键词:  耕地  地块识别  样本  识别算法  识别精度
Analysis of remote sensing identification results for arable land parcels based on sample and algorithm differences
MaYuman1, GuiXiaoqian2, WangQifeng1, WangCaihua2, YuQiangyi1, WuWenbin1, LuMiao1, SongQian1
1.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;2.Sinochem Agriculture Holdings
[Purpose] Arable land parcels are the fundamental units of agricultural production and management. Timely and accurate acquisition of information on arable land parcels is of great significance for agricultural resource supervision and monitoring of arable land utilization. [Method] This study utilized the parcel extraction results from the 2021-2022 “MAP Cup” competition and ground-truth samples to compute confusion matrices for the results of 26 parcel identification projects, thereby verifying the accuracy of arable land parcel remote sensing extraction. The potential and effectiveness of the technical framework for arable land parcel identification were analyzed from three perspectives: the acquisition of training samples, the algorithm models employed for parcel identification, and the variability in identification accuracy. Additionally, spatial overlay analysis and consistency evaluation were conducted for the parcel identification results within the same study area, assessing the impact of different combinations of samples and algorithms on the identification results of arable land parcels. [Result] The findings revealed that the use of manually annotated samples as input for deep learning algorithms was the predominant approach in the field. When combined with edge extraction and semantic segmentation strategies, training with manually annotated samples generally achieved high precision in arable land parcel identification. [Conclusion] The combination of manual labeling and sample migration can improve sampling efficiency while ensuring high accuracy. For areas with fragmented parcels and high landscape heterogeneity, identification modules that effectively leverage contextual information should be developed. For scenarios with unclear parcel boundaries, integrating a boundary enhancement module into the edge extraction network can fully leverage the spatial and temporal advantages of Gaofen satellite data, improving the accuracy of parcel extraction. This represents a key direction for future research and development of arable land parcel identification technologies.
Key words:  cropland  parcel identification  samples  identification algorithms  identification accuracy