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关键词:  卷积神经网络(CNN)  深度学习  土地利用分类  珠海一号  U-Net
Research on land use classification based on deep learning and data enhancement
East China Normal University
[Purpose] The purpose of this paper is to explore how to use deep learning technology to improve the accuracy of hyperspectral image classification, solve the challenges of high dimensionality, information redundancy and information loss in the process of hyperspectral data processing, and provide strong technical support for land use management, environmental monitoring and urban planning. [Method] Taking Xiangshan Port as the research area, based on the high-resolution remote sensing image of Zhuhai-1, combined with principal component analysis (PCA) and information loss-guided image fusion method (ILGIF) as the key data augmentation technology, the research on land use classification was carried out in depth. Through the PCA method, the dimension of the image data is effectively reduced, the most representative features are extracted, and the noise and redundant information are removed. In the process of data downscaling, ILGIF technology optimizes image fusion by minimizing information loss, retains key spatial and spectral information, and provides higher quality data support for classification tasks. On this basis, the U-net model in deep learning is used to accurately classify land use types. [Result] Compared with the traditional method, the semantic segmentation method in deep learning can effectively improve the accuracy level, and the overall classification accuracy of the U-net model is 90%, and the classification accuracy of water, woodland and built-up area in the study area is good, which is 96.93%, 88.34% and 71.69%, respectively. [Conclusion] In the future, we will further explore the potential of multimodal (optical and microwave) data resources, integrate the advantages of multi-scale spatial and spectral resolution datasets, explore and promote the innovative application of artificial intelligence, big data and other technologies in the field of remote sensing image classification, realize fast and accurate monitoring of land surface coverage, and provide data support for relevant departments.
Key words:  CNN  Deep learning models  Land use classification  Zhuhai-1  U-Net