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孙广睿, 周清, 谢红霞, 张扬珠, 袁红, 段良霞
关键词:  数字土壤制图  土种制图  相似推理法  第三次全国土壤普查
Research on soil types mapping based on similarity inference method
sunguangrui, zhouqing, xiehongxia, zhangyangzhu, yuanhong, duanliangxia
Hunan Agricultural University
[Purpose]Obtaining accurate soil-environment relationship is the key to ensure the accuracy of soil type mapping, and the similarity inference method is a technique of soil type inference using soil-forming environmental conditions, which is a better choice for soil type mapping in areas with soil genera maps but without soil species maps.[Method]In this study, Niumasi Town, Shaodong City, Hunan Province, was selected as the study area, and with reference to the soil type mapping method of the Third National Soil Survey, we attempted to carry out the study of updating mapping of soil genera for arable land, garden land, forest land, grassland and mapping of soil type inference for arable land in the area where The Second National Soil Survey soil genera maps are available but soil type maps are not available. The Second National Soil Survey was used as the base map, and the soil genera map was updated according to the theory of soil genesis, using the similarity inference method, combined with the data of the land use type status map, high spatial resolution digital orthophoto map(DOM) and topographic factor, and then combined with the three physicochemical properties of pH, organic matter and soil thickness of 240 soil survey sample points for arable land quality evaluation, to complete the inference mapping of the arable land soil species, and the soil type information of surface sample points of the Third National Soil Survey was combined with the soil type information of the surface sample points of the Third National Soil Survey, and the soil type information of the soil survey sample points of the Third National Soil Survey was combined with the soil type information of the surface sample points of the Third National Soil Survey. It also updated the soil type information of the Third National Soil Survey to the soil genera and soil species maps.[Result]The results of the mapping were verified using 62 field survey sample points: the accuracy of the soil genus map was 68 per cent, with a Kappa coefficient of 0.68; the accuracy of the cultivated land species map was 61 per cent, with a Kappa coefficient of 0.59.[Conclusion]Niumasi Town soil type inference mapping results maintain a relatively good level, proving that this method has the ability to reason arable land soil species and update soil species maps in soil type inference mapping work in areas with soil genera maps but without soil species maps. map and updating soil genera map.
Key words:  Digital soil mapping  Mapping of soil species  Similarity inference method  The Third National Soil Survey